Cleaning House and How to Fake It

How much house cleaning that actually gets done on a daily or weekly basis can be affected by the schedules of everyone in the house, whether or not you have little ones about, if you are expecting company, and really, what kind of mood you are in.
Which rooms get cleaned, and how throrough of a job you do most often has to do with how much actual time you have to devote to cleaning the house.
For families who spend a lot of time in the kitchen, they probably also tend to clean the kitchen first. This guide takes that into account.
Here is a guide to how to fake it, when the time you have to spend cleaning, or the time you want to spend cleaning is limited. Also read about what you can actually clean when you have more time in your schedule.
Cleaning House and How to Fake It
Cleaning House and How to Fake It in Zero Minutes: Your man is coming home in any minute and you said you were going to clean the house. Answer the door in sexy outfit and he won’t notice the dust bunnies bounding around.
Cleaning House and How to Fake It in Two Minutes: When unexpected company comes to the door, and the house is not exactly in tip-top-shape there are a number of ways to “fake it.” Reach for the air freshener and spray the entry way and the living room before they entire. Light the candles. Dim the lights. It’s no the cleanest, but, you weren’t expecting company, either.
Cleaning House and How to Fake It in 15 Mintues: Company is expected and you ran out of time and didn’t get to clean the house. Grab the Windex and clean any and all glass and shiny surfaces in the common living areas where guests will be walking and sitting.
Also spray the carpet with No-Vacuum foam cleaner, which will evaporate in minutes and leave the floor looking better and smelling fresher.
Remove any kids toys, or dogs toys up off the floor. Mop/sweep the floor with a dry mop and some floor cleaner. A spray bottle of watered down Murphy’s Oil Soap works wonders on a wood floor when applied with a dry mop.
Pick up any stray magazines or newspaper and stack them neatly.
Squirt some toilet cleaner in the toilet bowl.
Cleaning House and How to Fake It Half an Hour: Do the 15 minute plan except actually take the time to vacuum the carpet and sweep the floor.
In the bathroom, wipe down the mirror and sink with Windex. Use the toilet brush to clean the toilet.
Cleaning House and How to Fake It in One Hour: Take the time to make sure the kitchen is completely in order and clean, including washing the floor.
Also give the shower a good scrub. Clean the sink, faucets, and the toilet. Wash the bathroom rugs and the shower curtain.
Cleaning House When You Have Two – Three Hours: Move the furniture in the room and sweep and mop all floor surfaces. Dust all electronic appliances and wood. Dust any blinds or lampshades as well.
Wipe down any fabrics with fabric cleaner or refresher. Use a stain remover to remove any spots.
Wash and dry the bed sheets and blankets from the bedrooms.
Cleaning House When You Have Four or Hours: With four hours you can clean the whole house, plus take down drapery and curtains, wash them, dry them, and hang them back up.
Cleaning House When You Have Five or More Hours: If you have five or more hours, and you’ve cleaned the house, washed the bedding, the rugs, and all curtains, you can clean out a closet or two.
And remember, if you don’t have time, use the Windex, use the fabric refresher, smile, and fake it.