Cleaning Your Kitchen Using Household Items, and Other Helpful Kitchen Tips

Did you ever wonder how to get a terrible stain or yucky thing off something? This guide will tell you how to get common everyday kitchen stains and stenches out. Look around your kitchen. Did you know that there are miracle cleaners all around you? Bet you didn’t. Well, now you will know the secrets to use household, kitchen items to clean those things we encounter in the kitchen everyday. I will give some other tips for the kitchen as well.

Refrigerators are always stinky and messy. Most people will use harsh cleansers to clean them. Do not do that. That will cause your food to become toxic. In a word: yuck! Instead, Take warm water and sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda on it and wipe clean. It removes the stench and the stain. Maybe that’s what those “magic” scrub pads have as a secret ingredient?

Aluminum pans got you down from the ugly site of years of use? No problem here at all. Simply fill a pan with 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda and water.

Did you ever wonder how to get a terrible stain or yucky thing off of something? This guide will tell you how to get common everyday kitchen stains and stenches out. Look around your kitchen. Did you know that there are miracle cleaners all around you. Bet you didn’t. Well, now you will know the secrets to use household, kitchen items to clean those things we encounter in the kitchen everyday. I will give some other tips for the kitchen as well.

Refrigerator are always stinky and messy. Most people will use harsh cleansers to clean them. Do not do that. That will cause your food to become toxic. In a word: yuck! Instead, Take warm water and sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda on it and wipe clean. It removes the stench and the stain. Maybe that’s what those “magic” scrub pads have as a secret ingredient?

Aluminum pans got you down from the ugly site of years of use? No problem here at all. Simply fill a pan with 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda and water. bring that to a boil and submerge the aluminum pans into the boiled substance. Allow them to sit in the boiling water for 15 minutes or so. Then wipe them clean with a dry cloth. Repeat the process if the need is for a really stubborn stain.

Now, if the stains on the pans are not burn stains; but stain, stains instead, then simply cook rhubarb or apple peelings in a pot and repeat the above process. Didn’t grandma always say that nothing cures your ails like rhubarb? Indeed there may be some truth to that. Don’t forget to wipe clean with a dry cloth. Again, stubborn stains may take repeating the process.

Did you buy or receive cake pans that are made of steel? Those babies can rust. Take care to prevent that by using this little tip from grandma. Take lard or shortening any generic brand is more frugal; and smear it on the entire cake pan. Place it on another baking sheet and place that in the oven until the grease melt and absorbs into the pan. Remove the item once it cools and wash in warm soapy water. This seasons the metal and prevents it form rusting.
do this same process with any metal objects in the kitchen to prevent rusting and to season them.

Need to sharpen a knife that is dull? Simply take that marble dough surface. You know the one that is sitting under something that you never use because you want to bake; but somehow always forget to do? That’s the one. Take that and run the dull knife on the side back and forth on it. It sharpens the metal to razor sharpness.

If your knife becomes stained simply do the same thing and then rub lemon juice on it and rinse. Lemon juice has so many uses. Think of it as your strong cleaning agent. Ever wonder why they say “lemony clean”? Well, that’s not wonder since most cleaning agents are scented that way. Pine oil can do the same but is more difficult to come by.

Do you have white enamel that is yucky? What, no dishwasher you say? Have no fear; simply take good old bicarbonate of soda and rub it on the gunk and then wash in sudsy water. The stuff comes right off. Bicarbonate of Soda really is an amazing thing isn’t it? It cleans your teeth as well. Just take it in small amounts as it can really scrub those teeth. Still, beats the $3.89 a tube of toothpaste.

To prevent enameled pans from burning and discoloring; place aluminum foil over the gas or electric ring during use. When that gets yucky simply cool then remove to reveal the original burner as new and clean as can be. Simply toss that aluminum foil in the garbage and voila!

To clean your veggies take lemon juice and water and bathe those veggies in this. This process cleans all things for human consumption. just be sure to rinse well. When your fruit is cut, drizzle some over the fruit to retain freshness as well. It prolongs the shelf life significantly.

Have an enamel sink to clean in your kitchen? try the bicarbonate cleaning process and rinse with vinegar. Then take the lemon juice and drizzle over that. It will to brilliant and smell clean as well. The upside is the money you save and the natural cleaning that will protect your little ones as well.

Silver plated things looking ugly? Take the item and place in in a boiling pot of water. Be careful not to burn yourself. Remove that and then take beeswax and place that in a piece of cloth. Then rub that over the metal utensil. then scour the surface with salt. Don’t throw that wax cloth away. You can repeat the process for Sunday meals or Holidays with the family. You will be so proud of your “new” silverware and utensils.

Now you will know the secrets to use household, kitchen items to clean those things we encounter in the kitchen everyday. That’s it for this article of tips. check back with my articles to get more tips for miracle things you have in your home.

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