Cleaning Your Mixing Board Properly & Safely

Materials: Electrical Cleaner (contact cleaner)
Small Fan (optional)
Clean soft cloths
Cotton Swabs
Glass or Computer Monitor cleaner for outside of board
1. The first thing that must be done before using any kind of electrical equipment is everything must be unplugged. Wires, cables to other machines, and adapters must all be disconnected before continuing with the cleaning process. If you aren’t running your cables thru a “snake”, you might want to note on a piece of paper all of your connections so you don’t get confused when it’s time to re-hook. If your mixing board has easy pop off knobs or rotator spinners then you may want to pop them off to get the most out of your cleaning.
2. Take the glass cleaner and apply just a dab on the cloth, just enough to get it damp but not soaked. Begin to wipe down the outside of the mixing board. After done wiping the outside down, take the contact cleaner and apply a generous amount to a cotton swab and clean out the inside of the jacks. Make sure to get the edges as that’s where most dirt and grime collects. Don’t use the same swab for to long otherwise you’ll just be putting the dirt back where you don’t want it.
3. Place the small fan towards the slider spaces after spraying a small drop of contact cleaner. If you choose not to use a fan a vacuum cleaner with extension will do just fine. Make sure the dust is eliminated before replacing the knobs and the rotator spinners.
4. Allow board to “dry” for about half hour before reconnecting cables. Once reconnected reset knobs to regular settings and move sliders back and forth to make sure none are damaged or no left over cleaner remains.
P.S. if you’re mixing board contains vents or fans make sure to pay extra close attention to those parts considering that’s where all of the dust collects. Cleaning a clogged fan or vent can really increase your connection clarity.