Cleaning and Refinishing the Surface of Your Home Deck

If you have a deck that is in perfectly good condition but it lacks visual appeal because it is dirty, scuffed, or otherwise worn on the surface, cleaning and resurfacing it can give it brand new life. The following instructions will help you to get your deck looking new in no time at all.

First of all, gather your supplies. You will need the following:

Replacement Pieces for any fasteners or ornaments on the deck that have rusted out from weather conditions.

Safety Glasses

Dust Mask

Rubber gloves

Paint Scraper

Sand Paper

Sanding Block

Power Sander

Stiff bristled cleaning brush

Soap Detergent


Caulk Gun


Deck Sealer (Finish)

The first thing you want to do is scrub the deck really well to loosen any dirt or debris from the surfaces. Use mild soap detergent and water mixed together in a bucket that you apply with a stiff bristled cleaning brush. Brush each and every surface. Rinse completely with fresh water. When you are finished and have allowed ample time for the dampness from the cleaning to become thoroughly dry, run your paint scraper over the railings and on the surfaces to remove hard wood buildup or resin that the scrub brush could not get off.

Don your safety glasses and dust mask and run the power sander along the surface of the deck floor (and stairs if applicable). For the railings you need to use a sanding block. For all areas that are hard to reach, such as the slats on banisters running along the deck, you can use a small piece of sandpaper and do the work by hand. Be sure to get into all grooves and around those small curves as well. Clear the surface of the debris caused by the sanding.

If your deck is painted, you will also need to rent a drum sander. You want to make sure that you remove the paint thoroughly before you put on the new stain or sealer.

Once you have cleaned and sanded the deck it is time to apply the sealer or stain. If you are applying paint as your sealer, be sure to use a good exterior primer that is meant for use with decks prior to use. You want to protect yourself when applying the finisher, so use your safety glasses and dust mask, and dress appropriately. Long-sleeves and pants with closed-toe shoes are your best options.

You want to read all instructions for applying the sealer and follow them to the letter. IF application allows for you to use a paint roller, I suggest using one with a long handle to roll it on, as this will keep you from having to bend over so often during application. If you are using a paint brush, be sure to apply with the grain, not against it.

When you are finished, transport your clothing to the washing machine immediately to give the clothes a good washing. You do not want to inadvertently breathe in any harsh chemicals coming from them once you are finished with your work. Once the sealer has been allowed time to dry you will be able to use your newly finished deck with pride.

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