Clear Up Your Pet’s Cataracts and Vision

Pets usually have better eyesight than people, however, you’ve been noticing that your dog is having trouble with their eyesight – bumping into things, unable to tell things or people apart from a far difference. It may be cataracts. Yes pets can get cataracts too, although most of the time it occurs in dogs and rarely in cats. Learn how to clear up your pet’s vision, help him adjust to cataracts and even prevent your dog from getting cataracts.

Pets love for things to be the same way they are all the time. For dogs with cataracts, make sure you keep furniture in the same place so your pet can recognize where things are and to keep from bumping into things. Unfortunately, you may get tired of the couch or TV being in the same location all the time but leaving things the way they are will help your dog adjust if they are suffering from cataracts. However, if you just have to move things around every now and then, be sure to give your pet a guided tour around the newly placed furniture to help their vision.

When you take your pet outside or if they stay outside be sure you have a leash on them. Don’t let your dog roam around without something to keep them from getting lost and unable to find their way back to safety. The next important thing to do to help clear your pet’s vision or cataracts is to make sure to keep check-ups up to date. Next to heredity, the leading cause of cataracts in dogs is diabetes. If caught early, cataracts can be delayed or even prevented.

If your pet has diabetes that can lead to cataracts, so be sure to give them a high-fiber diet to help control blood sugar levels. You can also prevent cataracts and possibly diabetes by giving your pet a high-fiber diet. Find a high-fiber dog food in pet stores or ask your vet what he or she recommends. You can also feed your dog carrots and apples as treats to help increase their fiber intake. These foods can help clear up your pet’s vision and cataracts.

One way to tell if your pet is developing cataracts is to look into their eyes. If your dog has bloodshot eyes and squints often, that could be a sign of cataracts. If your dog already has cataracts be sure to take them to the vet for treatment, left untreated cataracts can turn into glaucoma, which is worse than cataracts. With the right type of treatment and early intervention, cataracts can clear up. If you notice your dog is getting blue eyes, it doesn’t necessarily mean cataracts. Most of the time pets’ eyes change a hazy blue due to the normal aging process. Check with your vet anyway but this condition is usually harmless.

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