Clearing Unconscious Barriers to Achieving Your Life Goals

Touch for Health/Kinesiology is a method of inquiring directly of the body itself the root causes and most effective remedies for any ailments or imbalances as well as a way of determining the steps an individual may take for most likely chance of success in achieving his life goals. When I used to practice Touch for Health, there was a procedure I used called a “mode balance”. By gently pressing on a client’s outstretched arms as I held my fingers in various positions, “modes”, I could determine the most appropriate balancing technique to use.

I might have suggested a type of food or a supplement. I might have firmly rubbed a point on his torso for 30 seconds or asked him to gently touch a particular spot on his skull. I might have guided him through a meditation or recommended he initiate a long-overdue reconciliation with a loved one. I might have invited him to stand up and perform a ridiculous-seeming exercise or outlined a simple exercise regimen for him to perform daily. There is a vast assortment of techniques available to the practicing Kinesiologist.

Before I ever got that far in a mode balance, however, there was a simple matter of a “Willingness” test that I conducted at the outset, immediately after we set the client’s life goal.

Let’s say that a person was having trouble breathing. Their stated life goal, therefore, might be, “I breathe fully, clearly and deeply.”

The first thing I would “test for” – meaning, I’d ask the body if it was in balance with the statement, “This person is 100% willing to release the need for any problems associated with this life goal on any level”. If the test indicates that the person is not 100% willing to release some problem related to their life goal, the next question I ask is whether the blockage is on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. Sometimes it’ll be more than one, sometimes all. I’d explain what information I’d discovered – “on a physical and an emotional level, you are not 100% willing to release any problems associated with breathing fully, clearly, and deeply” – and I’d ask the client why he thinks that might be; more often than not, he’d know the answer right away.

Let’s examine the possibilities:
On a physical level the person might be a cigarette smoker with an addiction to nicotine. If part of the balance for this life goal involves stopping smoking cigarettes, the body may fear the potential stress of withdrawal and keep the person in a state of physical unwillingness.

On an emotional level, the person might have been athletic in his youth and suffered an injury in his prime, prohibiting him from playing his chosen sport ever again. Quite possibly, the new levels of energy and physical health that would come from a strong respiratory system may cause the person to confront some of his old disappointment. In fact, his shallow breathing could have been a protective measure his body took to keep him from fully feeling the emotional trauma of the injury and subsequent loss. Emotionally, he might still be unwilling to be a healthy and active person within his existent limits.

On a mental level, he might have some preconceived notion that in order to achieve this life goal, he would be required to see me once a week for a year or more at $75 per visit, or regularly purchase some expensive vitamins. His story about money-grubbing quacks might cause him to be unwilling to get his life goal here and now.

On a spiritual level, its possible he might still not have learned whatever lesson he was meant to learn from that experience of forced, shallow breathing and the resultant fatigue. Maybe he was an arrogant athlete as a youth and now he’s become an arrogant businessman. What if that injury was meant to humble him and teach him a little compassion?
It’s especially important when seeking spiritual associations with problems and objectives that what a person believes carries far more weight in their lives than any ultimate truth. So if our hypothetical client believes that in a past life, he beat his wife and children, that belief could very well be a factor in causing a physical condition.

The wonderful thing about the willingness correction is that, most often, nothing needs to be done to clear the unwillingness other than being aware of its existence. Imagine, all you may need to eliminate a particular condition is the awareness that some specific part of you believes it needs this condition. Recognizing your resistance often releases its hold on you immediately and effortlessly.

So let’s say we clear the client’s unwillingness to release his problem. Through further testing I may discover, that there is more balancing to be done. Would I go to my finger modes now?
No, the willingness test has a second question, which is, “Is this person 100% willing to accept the benefits of a positive change regarding this life goal on all levels?”

Imagine the client’s life goal is, “I have a new, big, beautiful house in the country.”

On a physical level, she could be one of many of us who live in a vigilant state of stress most of the time, someone who, “wouldn’t know how to relax if I had the time.” This person may have an unwillingness to be in a serene, relaxing environment where she may need to learn to slow down and lower her defenses.

On an emotional level, she may be a hopeless romantic who unknowingly fears that moving to a spacious home in the great, wide open would only cause her to feel isolated and lonely.

On a mental level, she may have been belittled all her life. She may simply not believe that she deserves such a lovely home, especially when she considers that most of her peers struggle daily to pay exorbitant rents in a shared city apartment. Her guilt keeps her sabotaging her every effort to achieve her rural dream.

On a spiritual level, she could be moving to the country to be closer to her aging parents and, although she consciously thinks she’s ready to confront unresolved childhood issues, her secret fears of death and loss keep her miles away.
Oftentimes, simply examining these willingness considerations will clear all of the imbalances keeping us from our life goals. I have had more than one session end after 15 or 20 minutes when the willingness test cleared all of a client’s blocks surrounding their life goals, including their physical pain.

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