Clorox Wipes VS. Lysol Wipes

There are many wipes on the market today and perusing the cleaner aisles can be confusing. Luckily, two big hitters, Lysol and Clorox, both have disinfecting wipes readily available. Why did I say luckily? Because Lysol and Clorox are two of the most trusted brands in germ killing. Both are household names and easily found in any supermarket or discount store.

I first used the Lysol wipes during this past winter season. We have five children living in our home, so when a bug hits, it hits hard. As in a lot of homes, we had a particular bug that was passed around, then back around. No matter how hard I scrubbed, it seemed as if the sickness didn’t care about the clean handles on the fridge, the gleaming doorknobs, or the supposedly sanitized phone buttons.

Until I purchased a double pack of Lysol wipes and began wiping down every surface reachable. Within a few days it was if we had never been sick. Our home smelled fresher than with the normal cleaners and all the ‘baddies’ had been vanquished!

There are a few things I didn’t like about the Lysol wipes. These come in a canister that have a hole in the top you must push the first wipe through. (along with other wipes that might break off later) My finger has gotten caught several times while trying to liberate wipes. Lysol wipes tend to not be very thick, which means that while scrubbing grime some of the ‘gook’ might bleed through onto your hands.

Lysol wipes tend to not last very long during cleaning due to their thinness as well. The wipes don’t usually tear, but they become grimy and useless pretty fast. The Lysol wipes also come out of the canister really soaked and drippy.

My thoughts on Lysol Wipes?
Germ killing? Awesome.
Scent? Very nice.
Lasting power? Eh, iffy.
Overall cleaning? On a scale of 1 to 10, I give them a 6.

I discovered Clorox wipes just recently. We had another outbreak of the ‘around the house sickies’, so off I went to find some Lysol wipes. Our local store hadn’t replenished their shelves so I picked up a canister of Clorox wipes instead.

Boy, am I glad I did! As soon as I popped the top, there was a difference between the brands. Instead of a weird hole to poke my finger in, I found a hinged opening that allows you to push in for wipes, then bring one up while closing the hinged part. Very clever! No more stuck finger.

Also, the Clorox wipes have a more substantial feel and texture. During cleaning, I have found that the Clorox wipes stand up to more abuse, nor do they allow the leak through. With the thickness of Clorox wipes, they absorb rather than push the dirt or spills around.

I’ve used the Clorox wipes in the same manner as the Lysol wipes and their germ killing effects seem to be what you would expect from the Clorox brand. No one in the household had spread a cold or tummy sickness to anyone else since I’ve began using the Clorox wipes. I can’t say that their germ killing is better or worse than Lysol, but they are effective. Also, the wipes are moist when taken from their container, not soggy.

The scent is pleasant as well. As with the Lysol wipes, the scent lingers for a time making the room or rooms smell fresh.

My thoughts on Clorox Wipes?
Germ killing? Great!
Scent? Nice, not quite as strong or lasting as Lysol.
Lasting power? Great!
Overall cleaning? Wonderful! On my 1 to 10 scale, I give them a 10!

For me, Clorox wins out over Lysol.

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