Co-Worker Fired? Three Approaches to Consider

To show your “true colors”, consider making these gestures of good will toward the co-worker regardless of your relationship while employed together:
Avoid Workplace Gossip
Without a doubt, every time an individual is terminated from employment, the employees who remain at work will begin to discuss theories and facts regarding the chain of events which led to the co-worker’s termination. Regardless of the person’s work history, out of respect, avoid any and all discussions with the remaining co-workers regarding the terminated employee’s status. Respect for the privacy of your terminated co-worker should not be taken lightly and should not become the topic of water cooler gossip.
Make Immediate Contact
Though the co-worker is no longer a co-worker, he or she is still a human being. A person with feelings, emotions and facing a significant impact in terms of the future. When faced with this traumatic life changing event, the co-worker is probably experiencing shock, sadness and embarrassment. Though they may not immediately appreciate and recognize your communication, reach out to the former co-worker immediately. Written communication and email is usually most effective and it is recommended that you express positive comments with regard to the co-worker’s achievements and positive impact on your life and the growth of your company. Even the most slight of positive reinforcement may bring some peace of mind to the employee no longer working with you. Again, regardless of the reason for termination, the co-worker is human and needs to be re-assured that they are valuable to those they left behind and that they did make some type of positive impact to the company while employed there.
Pay It Forward
Again, regardless of your personal feelings regarding the co-worker’s termination, the very emotional and highly stressful period following termination from employment will be significant. If the co-worker is ready to return to the workforce, make contact with any connections you may have in the industry even if you know the former co-worker will not follow through on the leads. By doing so, you are demonstrating compassion for the human being who is suffering the loss and, one day, this person may offer you the same graces.
Following these three simple steps, will not only assist your co-worker through a difficult period but will also assist you in overcoming the series of events which may have lead to the termination and loss both professionally and personally.