Collections of Fiction Short Stories

Collections of fiction short stories, commonly referred to as flash fiction, and also referred to as short shorts is a fairly new craze in the writing world and one that is appropriately popular. For not only is it fun and quick to write, it is enjoyable and quick to read. In this hustle and bustling world of distracting outside conversations . An obsession with productivity or getting some form of work done and very short attention spans, flash fiction is a absolutely perfect form of writing to tantalize our generation. Even traditionally non-readers can enjoy it. It’s a great way to break into the lifestyle of an avid reader without having to commit to the whole book. Which says a lot, because collections of fiction short stories just might soon be the gateway solution to breaking a novel-phobe into the wonderful world of writing.

The definition of a flash fiction piece differs with each publication but in general, flash fiction is considered to be any piece of fictional work that is 500 words or less. Those who write intentionally attempt the feat of creating a brilliant collection of fiction short stories, which can probably apply to almost all aspiring professional writers it is obvious that it’s not as easy as it seems . It takes great talent and a sharp, quick mind to begin, heighten and end a story within one and a half pages.

But those things that can do it pull of amazing, touching stories, usually ones that are certainly worth studying as examples.

And what better way to practice your new favorite genre, flash fiction, than by studying and critiquing others work. Writers all know the power of interacting with other work. Sometimes it makes all the difference.

Since flash fiction genre has become so popular in the past few years, there are a few recommended books that are worth flipping though to just get an idea of the trendy and trite to enable you to fit in and win over your audience or publisher while avoiding the dreadful huge work of clich�© mistakes.

Flash Fiction-72 Very Short Stories
Edited By James Thomas, Denise Thomas, and Tom Hazuka

Flash Fiction, anthology including work by the greats such as Joyce Carol Oates and John Updike, also feature a lot of new writers. This is by far one of my most favorite books that I own. Every single story in this anthology is active, biting, touching, shocking, just somehow leaves you staring into space, book still open to the last story you read and mesmerized you say into the air “WowâÂ?¦.Wow” And that pretty much sums it up.

In Short
Edited by Judith Kitchen and Mary Paumier Jones

In Short is an anthology I was introduced to as a required reading in college writing class. This is also amazing but in a much different capacity than the stories of flash fiction. For one, the In Short stories are all nonfiction. But most prominently, while flash fiction’s ingenious is evident in creative, unique plots, the stories in In Short book are enticing in a different way. The stories aren’t as active or exciting but what is most inspiring about the book is the subject matter chosen for each story. Each writer finds topics or items in the world that one might not even look or think twice about and then bring it alive, delve into it deeper, exploring the topic to its utmost extent. What is also quite prominent is that all of the authors chosen to appear in the book seem to have the uncanny ability to string complex, yet humble words together in a beautiful romantic waltz that tightens of the piece and jumps off the page.

75 Short Masterpieces
Edited By Roger Goodman

This anthology is very different than the aforementioned anthologies. An older book, the collections of fiction short stories stays true to it s classic standards and features work (short shorts of course) by some of literatures most renowned figures such as Ray Bradbury, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Steinbeck and Dostoevsky. The inside jacket of the book boasts that “few anthologies can claim as glittering an array of writers as appear in 75 Short Masterpieces and that the 75 shorts embraces every kind of short story written such as horror, comedy, surprise, drama human interest and pure entertainment. The publisher does not lie. The book is a bit more dense and complex than In Short and Flash Fiction but if read in small doses it works well and is highly enjoyable. I read recently an online review of the book that talked of a man who took 75 nights to read a story a night, each of which he claimed changed his life, and as miraculous as that sounds, I 100% believe it.

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