Colon Cleansing Product Review: Clean N’ Lean Phase Two – Super Detox

If you are looking for a dietary supplement to help maintain the results obtained from your recent colon hydrotherapy, herbal colon cleansing, or as a regular cleansing product, then you may want to consider using Clean N’ Lean Phase 2. This is the follow up product to Clean N’ Lean Phase 1. This product is a super detox, which is intended to help clean out the really stubborn debris that is still in your colon.


There are several ingredients in this product that work together to clean out the toxins and chemicals collected in your body. Ingredients include: Psyllium husk (Plantago ovata), Maltodextrin, Montmorillonite Clay, Black walnut leaf, Flax seed meal, Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) 4:1 extract, Slippery elm bark (Ulmus rubra) 4:1 extract, Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare) 5:1 extract, Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 4:1) extract, Activated charcoal, and Echinacea root (E. purpurea) 4:1) extract. This product also contains several active enzymes and essential minerals.


To take this product properly you will need an 8 ounce glass of water and two capsules. You will take two capsules in the morning and two in the evening. Make sure that you drink at least 8 ounces of water with each dose, as the capsules will swell and they may make you choke if you don’t use enough water.

What This Product Does

This product is intended to be a follow up to the Clean N’ Lean Phase 1. However, you can use it by itsself, or in conjunction with the Clean N’ Lean Phase 1. You can also use it as a follow up treatment for colon hydrotherapy. This product not only cleans out built up fecal matter, but it also delivers several essential minerals and enzymes to your system. These added health benefits will enable to become more regular with your bowel movements, and it will help you to lose weight easier.

Pros and Cons of This Product

I like this product better than the Phase 1 Clean N’ Lean. It doesn’t cause severe stomach cramps like Phase 1 does, and it works just as well at improving your regularity and helping you to lose weight. Another pro of this product is that you only have to take two doses a day instead of three like Phase 1 recommends.

The draw backs to this product are that it costs nearly $50 per bottle and the pills are rather large. Also there is a choking possibility if you don’t drink enough water with the recommended dosage.

Where You Can Get Clean N’ Lean Phase Two

I have found only one health store retailer that carries Clean N’ Lean Phase Two, and that is Aspen Slender. They are a private health care supply and supplement retailer that operates through an online store. Their site can be found at They offer a variety of shipping options, as well as a good selection of health care and weight loss products. Some of the other products that this company carries include: teeth whitening products, cellulite reduction products, detoxification products, and general weight loss products and supplements.

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