Colorado Travel

Colorado is a state that offers many different activities. You can order an official guide at []. Colorado offers professional sports, culture and numerous events to keep you active. When traveling to Colorado via air, consider there are numerous airports, though some are only available to small aircraft. You can find a full list of airports in Colorado at []. Public transportation is also available through bus and light rail travel.

Colorado offers outdoor activities such as camping, skiing, snowmobiling, hunting, fishing and more. Remember to get a license if you are going to hunt or fish. There are many trails you can hike as well. At the Colorado Tourism website you can get maps or information on all of these outdoor activities.

Colorado offers opera, theater, dance and more. There are tours of capital buildings if you prefer these options. Colorado also hosts numerous music festivals throughout the year. Children will love the many zoos in Colorado. The Denver Zoo alone boasts over 4,000 different animals. They offer 700 species to visit! There are also botanical gardens in Denver which hosts over 15,000 plant species.

Looking for something a little different? How about a mining tour or panning for gold? Colorado has over 23,000 abandoned and inactive mines. Mining brochures may be found at [ ].

Most have heard of the Denver Broncos, but did you know Colorado hosts many sports, such as lacrosse, hockey, basketball and baseball. There is women’s basketball as well. Check out a ball game while in town and visit the INVESCO stadium at Mile High which stands near the infamous Mile High Stadium stood. The new stadium was built in 1999. They even offer 75 minute walking tours.

The Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad offers incredible views and an enjoyable ride. This train has been in operation for over 125 years.

Golfing, horseracing and Greyhound racing are also offered in Colorado and round out the many things to see and do.

One of my favorite activities in Colorado is Pike’s Peak. Just driving from the main road to the entrance of Pike’s Peak in June, the weather went from balmy to snowing! It was an unforgettable experience for an out of state traveler. Pike’s Peak “Race to the Clouds” is an event that will really rev your engines! To learn more about this unique event that has been happening since 1916, check out [].

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