Comfort Zone CZ-500 Compact Heater: A Small Powerhouse

I have always used a space heater to keep my heating costs down. I recently bought the Comfort Zone CZ-500 Compact Heater. It is my new must-have product. This is a light and portable electric heater that can easily be moved from room to room as the need arises. This small powerhouse is a 1500 watt heater and it really delivers. Are you looking for an unobtrusive unit that will keep your room toasty without a big expense? This is the compact heater for you.

I live in a four bedroom colonial house built on a concrete slab. While I love my home, it does tend to be a bit chilly. The high cost of heating oil is always a concern from Fall to Spring, so I started using space heaters as a way to control my heating cost without sacrificing my family’s comfort. Over the years, I have tried several different makes and models, but the Comfort Zone CZ-500 Compact Heater beats them all.

For starters, the price is a real bargain. The retail price runs from $26.00 to $28.00. Since I bought mine at the end of the winter season, I paid only $15.00. Even paying full price, I would have been completely satisfied. I live in the Northeast which has unpredictable Spring weather, so I anticipate using it for at least another month. Right there, it pays for itself!

Safety has long been a concern with the use of portable heaters. This unit has wide legs for extra support and a safety tip over switch with alarm which was a strong selling point for me. I need the peace of mind that should one of my rambunctious children knock it over, no harm will come to them or my home. Parents can never take too many precautions when their family’s safety and well being are at stake.

Another feature that appealed to me was the compact size. The Comfort Zone CZ-500 is only eleven inches high and seventeen inches wide. It can be easily
tucked into a corner where it will not overpower the room. No need to worry about the kids or the dogs tripping over the power cord and bringing it down upon themselves. With it’s black exterior, it even matches my family room decor. That was a bonus.

I am aware that there will be a slight increase in the electric bill during the months that a space heater is used. I did the math long ago and found it to be an economical way to help heat my home. The usage need varies from year to year, but the difference in the electric bill always comes in lower than the cost for an extra oil delivery.

My father will soon be moving out of my home and into a new apartment. I plan on buying him a Comfort Zone CZ-500 Compact Heater as one of his housewarming gifts. I want him to be cozy all next winter too!

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