Common Guidelines You Should Consider when Building Your Gazebo

What will your gazebo be used for? Gazebos can be used as a quiet place to relax, as well as for your children to play, and family gatherings. In the past, people have put gazebos over a hot tub or small pool for privacy and shade.
What materials should you use?
Nowadays, gazebos can be created from many different types of building materials such as wood, metal, or vinyl. Traditionally, gazebos have been created from wood, though it does require more maintenance. For example, wood needs to be stained for the prevention of water damage.
There are a few different types of wood that are capable for building a gazebo.
Teak is a very firm, long lasting wood. Over time, teak wears down into a very beautiful silver color. Although it is one of the most expensive woods that are used for outdoor furniture, it is also one of the most resistant to water, and rotting.
Cedar is also a long lasting wood, with the added advantage of being a bug repelent. If you would like to maintain the red-brown color that cedar is known for, then you will need to apply a sealant every few years. If you do not apply a sealant, then the color will fade to a light gray color.
If you wish to paint your gazebo, then you should use pine, as for it will absorb paint much more easier in comparison to cedar and teak.
Metal gazebos are often made of iron, though aluminum and steel can be used as well. Wrought iron gazebos commonly have an aluminum finish, which comes in a variety of colors. Steel and aluminum gazebos have a metal finish.
The least inexpensive type of material used for gazebos is vinyl. Vinyl is virtually maintenance free, and can even be portable, due to their light weight. The main disadvantages of vinyl however, is that it has an artificial look, and does not last as long as other materials that could be used.
How large do you want your gazebo to be?
The way in which you plan to use your gazebo will primarily determine how large your gazebo should be. If you would like your gazebo to be used for many people, or for one sole purpose, should greatly determine the size as well.
What style do you want?
Gazebos come in many different styles for you to choose from. If the gazebo will be near your house, you should pick out a style that matches closely to your home. Along with style, gazebos also come in many different shapes, such as octagonal, round, or square.
Unless you are very good with forming objects from certain materials, you will probably want to stick to a simple shape if you are to be building the gazebo by yourself. Many people opt for the custom made gazebos, though your own ideas will make your gazebo look more original!
There is no one way to go about the set up of gazebos, as for every option is personally related to you. Hopefully this guide has helped you to figure out what type of designs you should use!