Common Household Items May Be a Health Hazard to Your Pet Bird

Whether you already own a bird, or are considering getting a bird for a pet, you should be aware of household items that may pose a health danger to your bird. Exposure to these items may make your bird sick, or might even cause its death. Birds don’t exhibit symptoms of being sick until they are very, very ill. If not treated right away, there’s a chance that your bird won’t survive their illness.

This isn’t a comprehensive list; there are other products that can be harmful to your birds, but many bird owners overlook these common household products. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Air fresheners: There are many different types of air fresheners that you can buy. Some plug into the wall, others are potpourri and sit in a container, and yet others are sprays that you put into the air yourself. All of these can be extremely harmful to your pet bird! Bird’s lungs are extremely sensitive to smells and particles. Air fresheners release particles into the air that could potentially clog some of your bird’s lung pores, restricting their breathing and possibly leading to death.

Bleach: Just as the chemicals in bleach can be harmful to humans in large doses, too much bleach can be harmful to pet birds. Bleach can be used to sanitize your bird’s cage and toys, but it needs to be diluted. It is important to dilute any bleach solution, and then rinse anything that you just cleaned with plain, clean water.

Carpet cleaning products: Like air fresheners, many carpet cleaning products release small particulates into the air. If in doubt? Don’t use it.

Cleaning products: Regular cleaning products that you can buy at the store can all be harmful to your birds. They have many different chemicals in them, and can release scents that can be harmful to your birds, and may leave residue on surfaces that they have cleaned.

Scented candles: Many people forget that scented candles also release particulates into the air that can hurt your bird. These are designed to release particulates into the air that are safe for humans, but not birds.

Teflon pans: When heated these pans can emit fumes that, like many of the other products listed, are harmful to your bird’s lungs.

Tobacco: If it’s bad for people, it can’t be good for birds! ‘Nuff said!

Conclusion: Household products are tested for safety-safety for people, not pets! Birds have complex breathing systems, and anything that emits a fume or puts particles in the air is potentially dangerous. If in doubt, ask a bird breeder or stores that specialize in selling birds. Help keep your pet bird safe!

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