Common Household Items that Can Be Used to Save You Money

For instance, rather than going out and spending money on a hair dye that will accomplish only that job, why not go into your kitchen and find something you already have like teabags? Did you know that you can use brewed tea to give hair that is either brown or light red highlights of shimmery gold? The same deal can also be accomplished with fresh coffee.
Do you suffer from joint pain in your arms or shoulders? How much money have you already coughed up on medications and creams that probably don’t give much relief? Do you have a bottle of olive oil in your pantry? Regardless of whether it’s the expensive extra virgin style or not, if you’ll just rub a little olive oil into your shoulder the next time you start feeling that ache you may just get a very pleasant surprise. And don’t forget that olive oil is also good for relieving you when your plumbing is all clogged up. Forget those expensive constipation medicines and just sip down a few spoons of olive oil and you’ll be back to regular before you know it.
Want to know how to get prevent dandruff without having to withstand the amazingly strong odors and eye-burning side effects of dandruff shampoo? Consider washing your hair with Listerine. Sure, Listerine has a pretty strong odor as well, but it is not nearly as bad as that dandruff shampoo and it will give you an all-over fresh minty feeling. Of course, if you aren’t the type of who prefers to swish some Listerine around in your mouth in the first place, there is something else you doubtlessly have in your house that can be used to used to remove dandruff. Take a spoonful of table salt and shake it into your dry hair. Massage the salt gently throughout your hair and then step into the shower shampoo.
Voila, dandruff will disappear and you save significant buckage that would otherwise be wasted on a trip to the shampoo aisle. Or, let’s say you don’t relish the idea of putting salt into your hair any more than you do Listerine. Do you have any natural lemon juice in your refrigerator? If so, then apply just a tablespoon of it into your, shampoo with the normal, non-dandruff stuff, and then rinse with water. Next take two spoonfuls of lemon juice and mix it with two cups of water and rinse your hair again. Keep repeating this process every other day for about a week and say goodbye to both dandruff and dandruff shampoo that burns your eyes.