Common Questions to Ask when Shopping for a Web Designer

Shopping for a web designer is serious business for businesses. Here are a few questions to ask a designer before hiring them.

1. Exactly how much involvement will I have in respect to the actual design and layout of my website?

2. Will the site be designed from a template or artistic design?

3. Who will retain ownership of artwork or creative design on the website?

4. When writing pages, which browsers do you write for, what screen size and resolution? Even ask why and the differences.

5. Will I be able to access my site, make my own changes in content or updates to be posted?

6. What about hosting… it better to have my site hosted and designed with the same company or hosted by a different provider? What are the pros and cons?

7. How long will the project take from start to finish?

8. What strategies do you use for search engine optimization?

9. Are there any monthly charges related, if so what are they and why?

10. What will be the end price at completion of my site?

Even small businesses are realizing the power of web presence with a web site. On average most businesses do better when investing in promoting via website, websites are marketing tools that work 24/7 and are a sensible cost affective means of advertising when compared to traditional forms. The best part is that now, more than ever, design companies are competing and offering more for that business dollar.

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