Communications Skills: Learn from Mom

Have you ever felt disconnected from your mom? Do you feel you are drifting away from her after disagreements? Well, many young women are in the same dilemma, but they may not understand how some changes in their communication may help. Would you like to strengthen your bond with your mom? Would you like to end useless confrontations so you can enjoy spending time with her? Take some time to understand your mom so you can create common ground. I have observed young women who rebel against their moms because they feel as if their moms do not understand them. Remember the role your mother fills in your life. Think of a recent argument when you wanted your mom to understand your point-of-view and she didn’t take the time to listen. Do you wish the disagreement would have gone smoother than it did? Imagine yourself in your mother’s shoes. Would you want your daughter to respond to you the same ways you respond to your mother? No. Well, I have a few ideas you could apply to change your relationship with her for the better. 1. Tell your mom how much you love her. Yes, a simple “I love you” can do wonders for conversation with her, but I suggest making an impact. Use details to explain certain situations where she has provided the support you needed. Be as specific as possible so your mom will notice that you pay attention to the drastic changes in your relationship. For example, my mom knows how much I love her because I recall encounters when we supported one another. My mom and I laugh about our accomplishments because we’ve realized our support for one another is priceless. Make sure you are sincere. Do not attempt to butter her up for a new Mustang or cell phone. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Having a chance to love your mom is a privilege, so take heed to this first tip and let her know how much she means to you. Your actions should speak louder than your words. Align your actions with your words, appreciate your mother’s love, and remember your role as her child. 2. Contribute to her days with little gifts. Make your mother proud of you by behaving the way you’d want your daughter to act. How would you want your daughter to treat you? What little gifts could she give you to make you smile? Here’s a very short task to make a change in your mother’s day: âÂ?¢Call her and ask if she’s enjoying her day thus far. âÂ?¢Listen to what she tells you and remember the details for later. âÂ?¢Wish her a good day. Now, how did you feel when your mom seemed surprised of your phone call? I’m sure you felt better after the tone of her voice changed into a state of calmness. Do you think she’d feel that way if you did not call her that very moment? I think not. It’s amazing how a few words of encouragement can change someone’s outlook on their day. Have intentions to make contact with your mom every other day and you will see beautiful changes in the way you talk with her. Remember, the art of listening to your mom is critical to making process in bettering your relationship with her. For example, I make it a priority to listen to my mom’s ideas when she vents. I’ve learned invaluable life skills that helped me progress into a productive citizen. Pay attention to what your mom says and you might find the answers you’ve been looking for right in front of you. 3. Support your mom’s decisions. This may seem like a clichÃ?©, but respecting your mom’s decisions is vital to enriching your conversations. Would you want your daughter to disagree with every decision you made? No. If you feel as if you can help her, pitch in to lighten the load. Find some good in all your mom’s decisions because they will affect you in some way. We must have an understanding of our moms’ perspectives if we want a better relationship with them. Show your support for her decisions, help polish her decisions, and make yourself available if she needs you. Understanding your mom takes time and effort so put forth your best. Treat your mom with the love and respect she deserves. Try to use these tips could as an outline to making your own changes in your relationship. Remember to tell her how much you love her, contribute to her days with little gifts, and support her decisions. I’m sure you will see some good things happen if you put in the extra effort.