Completely Update Your Entire Bathroom for Under $250

1. Faux Granite Counter Tops – My counter tops were terribly ugly and outdated. They were a cheap outdated laminate looking job. I love the look of granite, but I knew that I couldn’t afford to buy them. On the hunt for something affordable to update my bathroom I came across a great faux paint granite product that worked well. I found the product online and ordered it. When the faux granite paint arrived I realized it was that Krylon spray on faux stone. You can buy this at your local Home Depot or Lowe’s for less than $10 a can. At first I did not want to apply this paint to the counters for fear it would not stick, but the existing counters were so terrible I did not believe it could make them any worse. I lightly sanded the counters and wiped them clean. Following the instructions I applied the paint. After it dried I sprayed on a coat of clear acrylic paint to protect the finish. My counters look a thousand times better and the finish is holding up well.
2. Painted Tile Floor – The grout on my bathroom floor was in terrible shape. It had become grimy beyond any help. I tried three different grout cleaners with no success. I ended up painting my tile floor. I first applied an alkalized primer, which cost me about $18. Next I painted on alkaloid paint. This type of paint is heavy duty and perfect for area subject to high traffic and damp conditions. My bathroom was small, so I was able to only buy a pint of primer and a pint of paint. These heavy-duty paints and primers are available at almost any hardware or home improvement store. Be sure to apply with a foam paint roller for a smooth look. Just having a clean bathroom floor was an immediate update for my bathroom.
3. Paint – New Paint on walls was a simple fix and cost me about $20. I used semi gloss paint, which is perfect for bathrooms. I painted the walls and the ceiling the same light neutral color for a more modern update.
4. Hardware – One great tip for redoing a bathroom on a budget is to reuse and enhance existing features that are not so outdated. My faucets and a few of the towel bars were chrome and looked just fine. I decided to take advantage of this and purchase new items to carry the chrome theme on. I bought a lotion dispenser with chrome accents and put up a new shower curtain on a chrome bar with chrome hooks. Now existing chrome features look new again.
5. Painted Shower Tiles – The tiles in my shower surround were outdated green tiles. While my better half wanted to rip them out, I knew there was nothing wrong with them beyond the ugly color. I began looking for an affordable product to update the look of my bathroom tiles with out having to rip them out. I ordered an epoxy spray paint product in white online. It is meant for painting appliances and tile. Three cans cost me about $65 and completely covered my entire shower surround. I have since found out that both Home Depot and Lowes carry similar products for about $15 a can. You can find them in the spray paint aisle. Look for the words epoxy and appliance on the spray paint can. Three cans easily cover a standard size tub and shower surround. This product is very smelly; so open the windows before you apply. You should also make sure you follow the directions on the side of the package exactly.
6. New Linens -New shower curtains and linens are one of the easiest fixes to update a bathroom. I bought mine for $29 at Bed Bath and beyond and it ties the entire room together. I also had one of those odd little empty spaces under the counter, so I bought a second shower curtain and cut it down to fit that cubbyhole. It provides a beautiful updated look as well as coverage to a great little storage area in my bathroom.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design