Computer Repair and Service Stores Located in Bloomington, Minnesota

The following is a list, in alphabetical order, of ten computer repair and service stores that are located in Bloomington, Minnesota along with their contact information. Even though I have included the services of what some of the particular shops advertise, it is best to call ahead and find out the specifics before bringing your computer in for repair. Another way to find a reputable shop is to ask around. Find out what company the local businesses use and go from there. A lot of places that offer business solutions also offer personal computer services. Call around and compare prices, some establishments even offer free estimates and consultations. Always evaluate your choices before committing to anything to save money now and extra hassle later.

1. Accessory Computer- Upgrade Source offers carry-in, on-site and in-home service that includes upgrades and repairs on all PC brands. You can access their website at or call 952-881-7211 for more information.

2. Custom PC Solutions is located at 10013 Girard Avenue South and can be reached by calling 952-885-0914

3. Information Technologies is located at 1631 East 79th Street. The phone number there is 952-854-0590

4. JMS Computer Services offer Microsoft/Intel based and compatible services which include new systems- built to order and consulting, software, repairs, upgrades, hardware, networking and internet services along with printer repair. You can reach them at 952-884-4084 for more information.

5. Lawson Brothers Computers is located at 10800 Lyndale Avenue South and can be reached at 952-881-6600

6. Lazer Technologies is located at 9603 Girard Avenue South. The phone number there is 952-888-2070

7. Microtek PC Solutions Inc PC Solutions Inc. offer personal computer repairs, upgrades, virus removal, hardware, software, system integration, networking and internet solutions with on-site service. They also have new and used systems with pickup and delivery available. Located at 13767 Nicollet Avenue South, they can be reached at 952-892-7972 for more information.

8. PCSE is located at 9401 James Avenue South. The phone number there is 952-884-8558

9. Vital Technical Services is located at 9201 East Bloomington Freeway number U and can be reached at 952-888-7714

10. Wang Global is located at 6301 Cecilia Circle and can be reached at 952-943-3020

Here are a few tips on protecting yourself from be charged too much: When you take your computer in for any type of service or repairs, do not be afraid to ask questions. A true professional will take the time to explain, in clear terms, any type of service they want to perform on your PC. If they do not have the knowledge on how to make you understand, then go somewhere else. Ask to see their certification in the type of service they are offering to provide. Sometimes, issues do arise during the course of repairing a PC, clarify beforehand if you want them to call you before doing any extras. Also, make sure to get any type of warranties in writing. You will save a lot of stress and money in the long run if you do the research before agreeing to anything.

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