Confirmation Day is a Day to Remember

In most Catholic countries, one’s Confirmation day is a festive event. After recieving the sacrament, one becomes “full” Christian. For this reason, gifts are given by relatives and close friends to the newly confirmed Christian. Usually, a child is confirmed at about seven years old, or before he/she takes his.her First Communion. When I was confirmed, the most memorable gift I recieved was a personalized gold bracelet that had engraved on it the words :”I belong to Jesus”. I also recall that aside from that I was also gifted a necklace with a cross on it accented by a single white stone. The little white stone was remarkable because when you look closely, the words of the “Lord’s Prayer” can be read on it. I learned later that it was ordered from Israel.
I would think that since Confirmation Day is one’s “personal day of acceptance of Jesus”, gifts given should be chosen to remind the newly confirmed Christian of his.her commitment of faith. While so-called teen-Bibles and devotionals for kids are acceptable gifts, I would think that something more tangible would be a better gift choice. For instance, a personalized “Jesus loves you” bracelet or white pearls to symbolize goodness and purity are good choices. If one can afford it, a golden Christian cross would be a practical and yet meaningful gift. As a rule though, when I give out gifts for this event, I make sure that it is personalized with the date engraved on the item.
Since this event what is considered the conscious start of one’s Christian life, gifts must always be a reminder of the meaning of the day.And if one can afford it, yes, a very special gift for this most meaningful one day in one’s life.