Congenital Insensitivity to Pain

This may also cause problems for parents of children with this condition. Without the ability to feel pain, parents may have problems disciplining bad behavior, or in extreme cases, the child may threaten self-inflicted harm, knowing that he/she will not feel the pain. It is through pain that most of us learn the range of emotions that allow developing into functional adults
This is a very rare disease only 35 people in the United States are known to have Congenital Insensitivity to Pain. In Japan there are 200 known cases. It is believed it is more prevalent in Japan because it is a Homogeneous Society that is, the people share a common ethnic and cultural background. Japan is a homogeneous society. The people speak the same language and share the same culture. Unlike most nations around the world, Japan has almost no ethnic minorities.
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain is a rare inherited disease characterized by a lack of pain sensation and thermoregulation. Although lacking pain sensation, some patients do have tactile hyperesthesia. Thus, anesthetics are a necessity during operations.
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain is caused by a genetic mutation that obstructs development of the nerves that transmit sensations of pain, heat, and cold to the brain.
Symptoms of Congenital Insensitivity to Pain are Indifference to pain, Self-mutilation, Abnormal temperature perception, Mental retardation, and Fever during hot weather. As of now scientists have been unable to determine the actual cause of Congenital Insensitivity to Pain they are not certain whether the disorder should be traced back genetically or developmentally.
Because Congenital Insensitivity to Pain is so rare not a lot is known but Scientists are studying everyday to find out any information they can. As parents we all want are children to not have any pain. Any pain they experience is painful to all parents. But parents with children who have this disease have one wish a wish that if someone didn’t know why, they would think they were horrible parents. That one wish is that there child could feel pain.