Conspiracy Theory Alert! 3 Days Earlier: The Little Known Precursor to the Foiled Terrorist Attacks of August 10th

I’ve written about conspiracy theories before. I’ve also reported on the necessity and accuracy of them. I’m a noted journalist; this is what I do, this is my life. But every once in a while there comes a time when a writer, a fine writer at that, is presented with information that he just can’t sit on anymore, a time when he needs to stop reading about conspiracy theories and start creating his own. For this writer, the most famous, the equally loved and hated enigma, the anonymous yet important Jetlag Democracy, this time is now.

I want to stress that what I am about to say isn’t pretty. Actually it’s quite ugly. I also want to make clear that this is just a conspiracy theory. It is heavy on speculation and light on source citations. Some of these facts, while open to debate, could be easily disputed. Read with caution.

On August 7th, Flight 109, an American Airlines Boeing 777 that was bound for Boston from London, was forced to turn back. Initial reports speculated that the “flight was called back to Heathrow Airport on Monday after U.S. authorities discovered a passenger’s name was on their “no-fly” list, officials said. Four passengers were being questioned by border control officers.” (AP)

However, this account seems to have some holes. Three days later on August 10th (or 8/10 as it has come to be known as), a massive terrorist breakup ensued in London’s Heathrow Airport. You know that one, right? No liquids onboard? Does it ring a bell? That foiled plan was portrayed as a so-called “dry run.” What does that mean? Well, officials speculated (and the media reported) that the August 10th terror plan was only a practice run for a later “real” terrorist attack.

Now, I’m no genius, but that makes absolutely no sense? Why would a terrorist travel across the Atlantic with explosive materials just for practice? That doesn’t make much sense does it? In terms of risk and reward, that might be the stupidest thing that I have ever heard. Let’s get back to August 7th though.

For a story that mostly got swept under the rug, August 7th seems to have been a day of great significance for terrorists and homeland security alike. What if what transpired on the seventh day of August was linked to historic terrorist breakup of August 10th? What if there is a lot about both incidents that you don’t know?

This is my conspiracy theory and soon you will know what I am talking about.


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