Consumer Product Review: The Boss- Mini Vacuum Cleaner by Eureka

The versatile Boss Mini vacuum cleaner easily fits into tight and narrow spaces, where larger vacuums could never fit. With a 12″ wide- track cleaning path and powerful 26.0 cleaning effectiveness, The Boss Mini offers top- of- the- line vacuum cleaning, even in spaces where other vacuum cleaners could never go. Weighing less than eight pounds and featuring a looped handle atop the telescopic handle, for comfortable use, this product makes easy work of stair cleaning and previously difficult- to- access areas. A great feature of this vacuum cleaner is its motorized ‘on/ off ‘ brushroll, which provides for optimum cleaning of bare floors and carpets and rugs of all sizes, depths and styles.
A huge ‘plus’, or positive feature of The Boss Mini, is that it offers superb vacuum cleaning without the use of vacuum cleaner bags. A pop- off plastic cover on the front of the unit holds a canvas- like pouch, which collects all dirt, dust and other foreign matter vacuumed- up by this superior product. When the pouch, or cannister becomes full, simply remove it from its locked- in- place position and empty it. If desired, the canvas- like dust and dirt collector can be washed between uses. Be sure to allow adequate drying- time for the pouch, before re- installing it on The Boss Mini vacuum cleaner.
The Boss(R) Mini, by Eureka(R), also comes equipped with a clean air system, with improved allergen filtration, helping to eliminate harmful dust, dirt and other foreign substances from the household air, thereby minimizing possible allergy complications. The lightweight, upright Boss Mini vacuum cleaner comes equipped with a 20″ power cord, featuring quick cord release, which enables users to vacuum large areas, without having to replug the power cord, in order to completely clean larger areas. When used on bare floors, whether they be hardwood, linoleum, tile, or other materials, The Boss Mini does an exemplary job of vacuuming all foreign matter, without leaving scuff, or track- marks on flooring surfaces.
While most vacuum cleaners work essentially the same, in theory, The Boss Mini provides a level of vacuum cleaning that is truly superior to any other vacuum cleaner in its size, or price range. When utilizing the Eureka(R) Boss(R) Mini, vacuum cleaning becomes less of a chore and almost becomes a pleasureable activity. Unlike other vacuum cleaners, which leave doubts about the effectiveness of dirt and dust removal, The Boss Mini effectively produces results that the user can instantly see. All things considered, The Boss Mini lightweight upright vacuum cleaner is the finest such product currently manufactured.