Consumer Review: Swiffer WetJet Mop

Other than a mop and bucket, there really hasn’t been much of a technological advance in the last 50 years when it comes to cleaning your floors. That is until the Swiffer WetJet Mop. I will review its effectiveness, its drawbacks, and give it a grade for your home.

The Swiffer WetJet Mop

What is it:

A battery powered (uses AA batteries) mop which uses a cleaning solution and textured pads to clean different floor surfaces.


Around $20, but they have been on sale recently for $17 locally, and offers coupons.


The starter kit includes the mop, 2 cleaning pads, instructions, and 1 bottle of multi-purpose cleaning solution. You can purchase replacement cleaning pads and cleaning solution in stores (around $4 for solution and $5 for 12 cleaning pads).

Why it’s great:

The WetJet offers 3 different cleaning solutions for different floor types, and they all smell wonderful. They offer an antibacterial solution as well, so you can kill germs. The cleaning pad sticks with Velcro and is easy to remove when done. I use the WetJet on hardwood floors, and I have seen good results. The cleaning solution sprays evenly, and the scrub pad does work to clean the floors. There is also a tough scrubbie attached to the top of the head so you can work on tough stuck-on grime. When you are finished, you toss the pad and you are done. The bottle of cleaner lasts for about 5 rooms, depending on the size. The mop is especially great for fresh spills.


The mop can clean, and I find there is no residue or stickiness, but for a really dirty floor, I still find a regular mop to do a better job. If you have a not-so-fresh stain or stuck-on mess, even the scrubbie won’t do the job. Also, if you like the long-lasting fresh scent of a mopped floor, you won’t get it using the WetJet. It smells very clean while using, but as soon as the solution dries, the fresh scent is gone. If your floor has grooves or grout, the mop doesn’t really get in the space like a regular mop can. And if you have a big mess, you will use more cleaning pads, resulting in having to buy more. The swiffer website advises not to use on waxed floors either.

Overall grade: B+

The Swiffer WetJet mop is a great cleaner for a small spill or quick clean, but I would definitely not toss my mop and bucket for it. I find it to be a less cumbersome product to lug from room to room, and while the floor is cleaner afterwards, you cannot replace the good old elbow grease scrubbing a regular mop and bucket can give. Save this mop for a college student gift, or someone who can’t physically do it the old-fashioned way.

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