Contemporary Challenges for Court Administrators

The positive aspects of being a court administrator are factors such as building positive rapports with employees, co workers and the community. There is also the power to implement procedures which can be beneficial to the public as well as the personnel within the courts. An example of this implementation occurred within New York’s judicial system. The domestic violence cases were increasing to a point that it was overflowing the courts.
The changes implemented moved the domestic violence cases to one specific area of the court (State of the Judiciary 2003). This greatly reduced the stress upon other judges and caseloads with one court room designated specifically to deal with these cases. This is of course only one example of what people in administrative positions can help to implement. Court administrators must be able to interpret and analyze the needs of court system and continually review its progress for any necessary changes. Court administrators are also responsible for the financial expenses, and are expected to make predictions as to the future needs of their departments and the court system as a whole.
As with any career there are issues that would make the job difficult and of course strenuous. This job stresses the importance of meeting deadlines, budgeting, public relations and overall appeasing people as a whole.(Job Description, Michigan) In my personal opinion, the budgeting would be the most strenuous and difficult aspect of the job. This would be especially true if you do not have someone to verify or assist in the planning of the budget. It is imperative that your budget is appropriate for the needs of the organization. It seems as if it is always easier to spend other people’s money when you aren’t concerned with repercussions.
With this type of a career people are continuously looking at the bottom line. Thus the importance of fiscal security to avoid any hints of misappropriated funds. I believe that while this type of career in which you would wear multiple hats, you would have many challenges but even more rewards. I have always firmly believed that just because it’s easy doesn’t make it the right way. I personally would find a job without challenges to be uninteresting and not worth my time.
I feel that this course has been a great jumping off point so to speak. It has given me the foundations and the knowledge of what justice administration truly is. It is more than just sitting at a desk Monday through Friday. It is in fact multi tasking opportunity to serve the community, city, state, government or all of the above.
It has also clarified my concerns of what is really expected of people in these positions. Most people in administrative positions are expected to be ethical and have appropriate behavior in order to serve as role models for the community and co- workers. It is not a position that should be taken lightly because the responsibility is enormous and at times very stressful.
Overall this class has helped me to have a better understanding of what justice administration is. It has given me helpful information about the future careers that I may choose to pursue. It has also assisted me in the process of weighing the pros and cons of the court administrator. I believe that with all of my previous classes I have taken at UOP, and my future classes I will be able to be a diligent, efficient and competent employee.