Contrex Water – a New Alternative to Milk

At first glance, I thought I’d picked up an ordinary tall, tinted water bottle. I read the label “Contrex,” and curiously looked at the label. Everything was normal. Everything except the calcium content. By drinking just one half liter bottle of water, you receive close to 25% of your daily supply of calcium.
There’s something inherently genius about this. There’s actual bottled water with zero calories, that tastes like regular water, that can actually give you calcium. Growing up, I never drank milk and got most of my calcium from cheese, ice cream, and vitamin supplements. This is a huge find!
I know there are all sorts of healthy alternatives – vitamin water, diet soda root-beer floats, egg milk shakes. But this is so simple, so perfect. If this water spreads into restaurants, vending machines, school cafeterias, calcium can infiltrate our bones effortlessly. Well, effortlessly maybe, but not cheaply. A 24 pack of half-liter Contrex water currently sells for $19.99 on Isn’t there a company that can make this cheaper and more accessible? In the meantime, I’m saving my pennies because I couldn’t be happier about getting my calcium through Contrex.