Control Your Pet’s Weight

You would think pets wouldn’t have a problem with being overweight, they romp around, seem not to overeat or at least have the ability to control their own eating habits. However it seems in today’s society that not only are people becoming more and more overweight, but so are their pets. Overweight pets usually mean a more serious health problems but there are some pets that just simply eat too much. And just like people, overweight in pets can cause serious health problems such as diabetes, cancer, and arthritis.

It’s really not a big stretch to figure out why pets are becoming more and more overweight. Pet owners are constantly giving them treats. Instead of eating their on dog food, pets are now given a hefty amount of leftovers from our meals. In order to control your pet’s weight and prevent them from becoming overweight, some pet owners have to face their own weight problems. Just like the overweight problems in kids, it’s hard to try to get kids to eat right or eat less, when their parents are overeating and overweight themselves.

Other than controlling your weight there are a number of things you can do to help control your pet’s weight. Many of these solutions are no different than what it takes to control a person’s weight. The first thing to do is to see if your pet is really overweight. Rub your hands across his side, if you can’t feel his ribs then you know its time to get their weight under control. Most pets love to walk or take a stroll, especially dogs, make sure you are taking your pet for a nice 20-minute walk everyday. If your pet is unfamiliar with exercising, start off slowly with short 10 minute walks a couple of times a day everyday. Your pet will enjoy the nice walk and it’s good exercise for you too.

Feed your pet a food high in fiber and low in fat. Also, cut back on the calories. There are plenty of pet foods that provide a high fiber, low-fat and low-calorie diet. You can also make your own special food or contact your vet for recommended weight control foods. Instead of giving your pet one or two big meals a day, feed them small amounts throughout the day. Eating smaller portions will help the digestive system fill up quicker, plus digest foods easier.

Another way to help control your pet’s weight is to help them eat more slowly. If you have more than one pet and you feed them at the same time, you may want to make sure they are not gobbling down their food to prevent the other pet from eating their portion. Pets have a competitive and protective nature when it comes to food. Next, you can put large objects, like a tennis ball, to cause a distraction and a pause when eating to keep your pet from eating too fast. You can also interrupt their meal by petting them or playing with them, most pets will stop to chase a ball or stop eating when you come near them to pet or rub them. If you are giving your pets to many treats, then stop. Spread out the treats over a longer period of time.

You can also give your pet some garlic to help control their weight. Garlic is an effective weight loss tool because it helps control the liver and the gallbladder, and also helps the digestive system function better. For small pets, give them �¼ to �½ of a clove. For larger pets, give them 1 or 2 cloves a day. Be sure to keep your pet from getting into the garbage. Pets will dig into garbage for food, especially if they are hungry.

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