Cooking with Cast Iron

I prefer the cast iron cook wear that was handed down from my grandmother. In my opinion cast iron is one of those things that just gets better with age. Shop around at thrift stores and flea markets to find used cast iron skillets. As long as there are no cracks in the surface, the cook wear can be cleaned and re-seasoned.
If you are unable to find a suitable used cast iron skillet, then I recommend purchasing one made by the Lodge Cast Iron Company. Lodge has been making cast iron cook wear for well over a hundred years. It is not a good idea to purchase a cast iron skillet with a wooden handle, this makes the skillet useless in the oven and over open fires. Once you find what you are looking for, these tips will help you get started.
1. A protective coating is applied to cast iron at the factory. This food-safe wax needs to be washed off with mild soap, a scouring pad, and very hot water.
2. Cast iron needs to be seasoned before use. To season your pan, coat inside and out with melted shortening, and on a cookie sheet, bake the cast iron skillet in a preheated 300 degree oven for about an hour, until the surface is completely black. Remove the skillet and wipe off the excess grease with a paper towel. Your cast iron skillet is now ready to be used.
3. Cast iron can be used on the stove top, in the oven, or on a campfire or grill. Remember to always preheat your skillet before adding food.
4. Cast iron can be used for searing, baking, or deep frying.
5. This type of cook wear can be extremely heavy, when removing it from the oven, use both hands and well insulated oven mitts.
6. If your cast iron skillet starts to rust, it needs to be re-scoured and seasoned again.
7. Never store food in your cast iron, especially foods with a high acid content, like tomato products. The acid will break down the seasoning.
8. NEVER put your cast iron in the dishwasher.
9. Cast Iron does need a little care to maintain the non-stick surface. To clean: without soaking, wash the skillet in mild soapy water, rinse, and dry. To not let the skillet air dry as it may rust. Place the cast iron cook wear in a heated oven for 2-3 minutes to make sure that it is completely dry. With a paper towel coated in shortening, grease the inside of the cook wear.
10. Store cast iron with the lids off, and paper towels inside to absorb moisture.
Cast iron cook wear is great for baking biscuits or other breads in the oven. It should not be used to boil water in, and some foods may cause a breakdown in the seasoning. The result of such a breakdown is a metallic taste in your finished food.