Cool Kids Birthday Party Theme

You will first need kid size tables and chairs. A few colorfully decorated cups to use as vases. The magnetic drawing pad you brought them for their last birthday will also come in handy. A few pieces of white construction paper with a black marker will do nicely as menus. Toy money ( no coins) toy credit cards with small limits preferred. A never before seen movie and character theme plastic cups to be given away as party favors. First ask your child what they would like on the menu. List a few entrees, a few appetizers, a few different drinks and desserts. List the price beside each meal. Write your child’s name or nickname on the magnetic drawing pad example “Nicky’s Cafe” “Joey’s eatery” and hang it on the outside of the door of the “Restaurant”
Place each of the kiddie tables around the room and cover them with a table cloth, fill your decorative cups with flowers and place in the middle of the table. Place table settings infront of each seat. If you have a buffet table place flowers in a vase and put ice in a bucket and chill two bottles of sparkling cider. Use light dimmer or lamp with low wattage in the room. Use a tall stand by the door. (if you don’t have one compromise you can also use tall speakers.) Make a reservation list. You can also put a small cd player out of site to play quiet dinner music while they eat. The movies will naturally be where ever the television is. Set a few rows of chairs in front of the television. Make a variety of snacks my personal suggestions are animal crackers, lightly salted chips, twizzlers. and bags of pretzels. Put popcorn in cups.
Ask each parent to dress their children in “grown up clothes” if possible. When guest arrive match children in two’s or three’s make one child out of the group in charge of one credit card and the money. They are treating the others in the group to dinner and a movie. Let them know they are grown ups for the day and can eat what ever they want as long as they have the money to pay for it. Parents are the wait staff and the host at the door. They are also the ushers at the movie theatre etc. Let the kids play grown up for a while before they go out to dinner when you feel it is time let them line up infront of the restaurant. The host is to check each name to see if they made reservations. A waiter should escort them to their seats. Make sure to keep tabs on the cost of each order (This makes great fun for the adults later) It is easy for kids to forget that everything they order cost money. During dinner it is ideal for the cake to be bought out to the birthday child, gifts can be given during this time by the other kids also. When dinner is over let the kids go over to the movies make them pay for each snack and drink they would like to eat. When everyone is settled in their seats dim the lights and play the movie reminding them to stay seated and talk softly like they would in a real theatre.
This theme is fun for parents and children because kids get to play what they most want to be a grown up while parents watch their children act mature. It is also hilarious to see which group is going to spend over there limit or how they imitate their parents frugal behavior. Some children will be very generous until the money goes low. I am definitely looking forward to watching my children play grown up. The laughs are endless and the memories are priceless.