Cool Things You Can Use Vinegar For!

There are many things you can do with vinegar and this guide will provide you with some ideas. In this guide, you will find five really cool things you can do with vinegar around your home.

Number One – Use Vinegar to Cure Headaches

Have you ever gotten a bad headache and it just won’t go away? Next time, you should try vinegar. Just take a small amount of vinegar and place it on a cloth. Then place the cloth on your head or rub it on your head. This will surely get rid of your headache.

Number Two – Get Rid of That Awful Scent in the Trashcan

We all know that a trashcan can house an awful scent! No worries though, vinegar can take care of that for you. Take your trashcan outside and pour a cup of vinegar and add some water from the water hose. Allow it to sit there for about 30 minutes and then rinse the vinegar and water out of it. The smell will be gone.

Number Three – No More Gassy Beans

If you are one of those who suffer from bad gas every time you eat cooked beans, here is your answer. To reduce the gas from eating beans, you can soak the beans in vinegar before eating them. The night before you plan to cook the beans, soak the beans in a mix of water and vinegar. Then proceed to cook them the next night and you should be gas free.

Number Four – Remove Stains and Brighten Your Laundry

Another thing you can do is add white vinegar to your load of clothes you are washing. Use a half of cup of vinegar with your washing powders and wash your clothes as normal. The vinegar will take the stains out and brighten your clothes.

Number Five – Get Rid of Ants in Your Home or Car

And number five is getting rid of those ants. If you have sugar ants in your home or car, you can use vinegar to get rid of them. Get a spray bottle and mix half vinegar and half water. Shake the bottle well to mix the water and vinegar. Then spray the ants to kill them. This will keep you from having to use poison in your home.

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