Cop Yells at Parents for Dropping Off Kids on the First Day of School

Yesterday was the anticipated day, where parents and children woke up early with many butterflies in their stomach and much anxiety about starting off the new school year. Our community is very family-oriented, and many parents woke up extra early to make the special power breakfast to fulfill their kids’ needs for the day to come.
As we load up in the car, about to begin our journey, we are off to the rat race to find a parking spot, we were in luck! I would say that about 95% of the 800 students in our school were driven to and from school on the first day. The parking lot filled quickly, and parents started to park in the street, under the “NO PARKING” signs, and continued to make a long line of cars into the neighboring streets. There were police officers angrily pacing up and down the streets, having heart attacks that they might have to work a little, and write up tickets for everyone parked where they shouldn’t belong.
What happened to family values? Did these officers lose them when they earned their badges? Did they lose all respect for the human race? As I stood there and watched them yell at parents who are as nervous as their children on these first days of school milestones for all grades, I lost all respect for their actions. These officers that are there to protect and serve for what’s right that I have taught my children to not be fearful of, nor to be disrespectful to, suddenly thought they were more powerful than God. They yelled at parents and told them they were not to park in the street and went as far as to tell them they should have put their kids on the bus. This was the first day of school, why should we break tradition in taking our children to school, and reassure them everything will be all right just because someone gets on their high horse? I understand the “NO PARKING” signs are posted, but shouldn’t the officers have set a better example by protecting the young children, instead of scolding their parents? Our kids are little for such a short time and all we try to do is take care and show them the proper way things are done. By taking and picking up our children on the first day of school is a small way to show them how much we love them. In the days of tomorrow, as they grow, and make choices of their own, whether it be before they have children, or after, they will have these things to reflect upon. Maybe by us doing these simple things they will choose the right path in life, or will be successful in anything they are faced with.
So, to those officers that need lessons in humanity, and a refresher course as to what they represent, I am appalled at their untouchable attitudes, and hope they learned something from all of the parents that were there supporting their children, wiping away tears of fear, and reassuring them that this is going to be a good school year.