Coping with the Emotional Roller Coaster of a Multiple Pregnancy

Carrying twins is no easy task. You feel huge. You look at the cute pregnant women in the grocery store with a jealous eye and groan when you hear them complain about their little bulge and their “oh so terrible” backache. You wish you could tell them they haven’t seen anything yet and to stop complaining. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and those feelings are completely normal. In fact most of the emotions you are experiencing are completely normal.

The key is to not let those emotions get away with you. Try to concentrate on the moment. Enjoy being pregnant – as ridiculous as it may sound! Relish those ultrasound images and treasure those days of choosing nursery dÃ?©cor. It won’t be long until you meet those two precious people you are carrying inside face to face. Get to know them now. Read to them, talk to them, play music for them. Studies have shown that these activities can actually stimulate brain development in your growing twins and can even help them to recognize your voice when they are born!

If you feel as though you need help, then ask for it. Don’t try to go it alone. Talk to your doctor, your spouse, a loved one, or a friend. Sometimes talking is enough to relieve the stress for a while. Remember, there are no stupid questions. Read up on pregnancy in general and multiple births in particular. There are some wonderful books out there, like What to Expect When You’re Expecting and Having Twins, which can give you reassuring information. The internet can also be a wonderful resource. Just remember that your doctor is the final authority. If you have questions about something you’ve read, be sure to ask your doctor.

Here are ten tips for escaping the emotional roller coaster of a multiple pregnancy:

– Make time to relax. Draw a bath; add some bubbles, a candle or two, and some soft music. Put a do not disturb sign on the door and give yourself at least half an hour.

– Meditate. Take some time alone to relax your mind or to pray. Try not to think about pregnancy, doctor’s appointments, or choosing names. Clear your mind and rejuvenate.

– Talk to someone. Find someone to talk to about your worries, your fears, or even your joys. Sit with a friend over a cup of decaf and reminisce over old times or dream about the future.

-Exercise (as long as your doctor approves). Exercise has long been proven to enhance mood and alleviate stress.

– Go on a date with your significant other. It may sound crazy, but you may not have the chance to go out alone for a while, so do it now.

– Get a manicure and have your hair done. A multiple pregnancy takes a lot out of you and can make you feel downright ugly. A manicure and a new hairdo can make you feel like a new woman and give you a completely refreshed look.

– Keep a diary. Not only will it help you to reflect, but it can be a wonderful and reassuring gift to your own daughter one day when she faces her own pregnancy.

– Get some sleep. In those last few months, sleep can seem like an impossible dream, but it’s important to try to get the rest you need. It gives your body and mind a chance to refresh and renew.

– Fight boredom by taking up or renewing a hobby. Things like scrap booking, photography, writing, and painting can help pass the time and keep pregnancy boredom at bay.

– Seek help. If your depression and anxiety is too strong or it just doesn’t go away, talk to your doctor. They can prescribe pregnancy-safe medications to help get you through this period in your life.

As miserable as you may be right now, a day will come, after your twins are born, that you will actually miss being pregnant. I know; I didn’t believe it either. Then one evening I looked at my little blessings sleeping in their toddler beds, so grown up and independent already. In that moment my eyes filled with the tears only a mother can cry and I actually missed the quiet moments when I carried them, when they needed me for everything. Of all the wonderful pregnancy advice out there, the best advice I can give you – Enjoy the moment!

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