Country Music Radio, Hypocrisy and Denial

And for the hypocrisy part-the Chicks were ostracized for something they said, not anything they did-here comes good ole’ Troy Gentry (of the duo Montgomery Gentry) tame bear killer. He stands accused of allegedly killing a tame bear that he purchased. He killed it with a bow in an enclosed pen. Of course, they are just allegations at this point, and he may be exonerated. If guilty, he could face jail time and stiff fines. But instead of running from him like they did the chicks, the fans and the stations can’t get enough. As someone who is a real hunter, I am digested by this type of hunt. It is no different from the Dick Cheney quail shoot, save for the fact that no one got shot in the face. “Hunters” like those two give the rest of us a bad name. But because he is an avid supporter of the far right agenda, he isn’t paying a penalty with country music.
What is sad is that because of the perceived political stance of the Dixie Chicks country fans and stations tried to run them out of business. The very good music the Chicks play is shunted aside by audio-crap like the tripe put out by Carrie Underwood.