Crafting Ideas for that Old Wooden Trunk

If that old wooden trunk is in your way, don’t even think about tossing it, make something really nice out of it instead. The trunk doesn’t have to be in great shape to be turned into something else. It does, however, need to be in one piece and sturdy.

If the trunk has a lid, simply set it in front of a sofa or love seat to use for a coffee table. Top too ugly? Arrange photos on the top then cover with a plain piece of clear glass. Or, just place a nice cloth over the top of it instead. If it’s a small trunk it’ll suffice as an end table for your favorite chair.

Scoot the trunk in front of a window and use it for a window seat. Make or buy a pad to place on the top of the trunk for added comfort. This is a great place to store children’s toys, too. You can put the trunk in a child’s room to hold toys, too, but lids can be dangerous for kids, so remove it before using for a child.

If the trunk has no lid it’ll make a great bookcase. Set it upright and install shelves inside. If the trunk has a lid simply remove it before making the bookcase. The design serves well as a holder for tools and other implements in the garage, too, particularly if you put it on wheels.

Make a mini storage place for a bedroom with no closet. Stand the trunk upright and add hardware and a dowel. Place the trunk on a board with rollers to move to and fro. You can add hooks and rings to hold belts, purses, and other accessories or place stackable plastic ware in the bottom for holding socks and other items.

Make a dollhouse out of an old wooden trunk by setting shelves and decorating each level differently. Add carpet remnants, tiny pieces of cloth for curtains, even wallpaper. Make or buy a small set of steps that climbs from the floor to the various levels of the house.

Lay the trunk on one long side and place a large pillow pad inside. This makes a unique bed for a large dog. Even cats love them because they can lounge around, claw at the trunk, or just climb on top.

If the trunk isn’t too large and heavy, set it on a kitchen counter, attach “C” hooks on the inside top, and you have a unique place to put cups and stack plates or bowls. Use the top part to stack more dishes or make it into a spice holder.

Fill the trunk with emergency items, like flashlights, blankets, bottled water, first aid kit, dried foods and the like – in case of a catastrophe. Keep the trunk secured to a post or pipe in your basement.

There are lots of ways to decorate the trunks, depending on where you will place it. It may be necessary to first sand the wood, but then you can cover with paint, adhesive paper, wallpaper or even cloth. The trunk will be useful and will make a great conversation piece – no matter what you decide to make out of it.

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