Crafts You Can Make From Everyday Labels

We’ve all seen millions of labels in our time but most of them, no matter how decorative, are thrown out with the garbage. Whether it’s a label from your new jeans, a label from your powdered drink mix, or a label from your favorite perfume there are some impressive crafts you can make with them.

Labels that are glued onto jars are the hardest labels with which to craft. Labels that just pull off, like ones on cans or clothes, are much easier. There are lots of fun things you can do with them once you have them cleaned and flattened, if necessary.

Make a cute kid’s bag with Kool-Aid packets. Open by barely trimming the top from the packet. Make sure the packets are clean and dry before starting the craft. Cut a 14″x10″ rectangle of plastic, like what’s used to make a raincoat. Fold the plastic in half for a measurement of 7″x10″. Use a 25″ zipper and sew it in from the fold, around the top, and down to the opposite side.

Unzip the purse and lay flat. Align three Kool-Aid packets across the front of the purse then place another piece of thin plastic over the top. The plastic should be only slightly larger, all the way around, than the Kool-Aid packets. Stitch around the perimeter. Do the same to the back side of the purse. Put handles on, if desired, by cutting the plastic in strips and sewing the ends of a strap on the front side and the ends of the other strap on the back side of the purse.

You don’t have to use Kool-Aid wrappers for the purse; other labels will do nicely. Labels with images of favorite cartoon characters, candy bar wrappers, cd labels or even pictures from shoe boxes make nice purses.

Make a bookmark out of any long, narrow label. Use a laminating machine to cover the label or use laminating sheets. Trim close to the label. Some ideas are the front box panel from your favorite perfume, cosmetic box fronts, or the front of a bag from your favorite department store.

Using laminate paper you can make place mats for your kitchen table with labels from soda boxes, crackers, your favorite coffee labels, cereal boxes, cake mixes, and other boxed or canned goods. Simply arrange the labels in any fashion and cover with the laminating paper. Trim to the size of ordinary place mats.

If you purchase clear shelving paper you can use it like laminating paper to cover an end table or coffee table top. The shelving paper is available in a clear version that has the adhesive already on it. Place the labels you wish to display on the adhesive side and cover with another sheet. Trim.

You can even cover small areas like drawer fronts in the kitchen with labels. Remove the hardware, place labels face-side down onto the sticky paper, then affix the paper to the front of the drawer. Replace the handle. There are many other things you can make with labels including children’s play foods, coasters, collages, scrapbook frames and much more. Try some label crafts, they’re fun and creative.

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