Crafts for Kindergarteners: Making a Hawaiian Lei

Getting children in kindergarten involved in crafts is a wonderful way to expand on the learning activities of their class. Crafts can help promote good hand-eye coordination, use of imagination, cooperation with others, and direction following. Some crafts can go a step further by helping them learn colors, numbers, shapes, math, science, history, languages, and just about anything else you can think of.

This article will focus on your child making a Hawaiian lei. The lei can be as simple or as complicated as your child likes, and there are multiple ways to make one. Use your imagination and substitute any items you would like for something that may suit you better.

These are the supplies you will need to make a Hawaiian lei:

Yarn or ribbon (about 25 inches)
Different colored construction paper
Makers, crayons, or colored pencils
Different colored straws or ziti noodles
A hole punch
Any other decorating supplies you like (e.g. glitter or beads)
Your imagination
Optional- glue for glitter, beads, or other decorations

First have your child cut the construction paper into any flower shapes they like, they will need about 12 flowers (tracing or drawing them prior to cutting them out may be easier). Then they can color and decorate the flowers with markers, crayons, glitter, beads, or anything else they like.

Now use the hole punch to make a hole in the middle of each flower, and cut the ribbon or yarn to about 25 inches in length.

If they are using straws, get them and cut them to about 2 inches in length. If they are using ziti noodles they can decorate them as well by coloring them with markers, glitter, and other decorations of their choosing.

Once you have your ziti noodles/straws, your flowers, and your ribbon/ yarn, its time to put the necklace together. First lace one or two straws/noodles through the ribbon/yarn and then alternate with one flower and then one straw/noodle until you are out of flowers. Then add one or two straws/noodles to the end and tie. You now have a Hawaiian lei!

This craft can be great for party favors for children too. Just get all the supplies and have your child make them before the party, or let each child make their own for added fun!

Please note: This craft requires the supervision of a grownup. Children should not be allowed to handle scissors or other sharp objects alone.

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