Craftsman Lighting: Lighting with Historical Quality

The history of lighting begins in the 1700 with a style called “Federal”. Federal was the lighting style of the founding fathers’ architecture. This type of style could be found in many of the early public buildings as well as Colonial style homes. Lately this style has seen resurgence among decorators.
The Federal style was built with real candle fixtures, candle chandeliers, candelabras, candle lanterns, various candle hurricane lamps and candlesticks. Oil lamps and whale oil lamps were added later. These fixtures were made of tin or iron although even then there was an attempt to make lighting more elegant with the use of wood and silver. Light fixtures were hand made and were the precursors to what is termed the “Colonial Style” of today.
Later in the 1930’s the “Georgian” style of lighting took a foothold and this style dictates much of the lighting style we are currently seeing. Georgian style is important for lighting history because it began to make lighting more art oriented. Tiffany and Handel began to design the glass for electric lighting and lamps giving birth to the “Art Deco” style.
Craftsman Lighting continues the tradition of manufacturing and designing lighting today with the tastes and needs of the public in mind. The basics of lighting such as safety concerns whether it is for security reasons or the development of safe lighting fixtures is number one with the Craftsman Lighting Company.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design