Craftsman Strap Wrench – More Than a Gadget!

A few years ago I saw a commercial on TV for the Craftsman Strap Wrench. It was that time of year when I was starting to buy Christmas presents, and I knew that this would make a perfect gift for my husband. I ordered it, and have not once regretted buying this tool. It seemed almost like a gadget to me at the time, a new and interesting technique for tightening or loosening objects. It has turned out to be SO much more than a simple gadget!

My strap wrench is the large size. The hard plastic handle measures 8″ long, and the thick rubber strap measures 22” in length. We originally used it mainly for working with polished surfaces that we were worried about scratching. We’ve used it to remove shower heads, faucets, water filters, pipes and fittings. In the past, my husband used metal tools that scratched the shiny surfaces and ultimately ruined them. With the Strap Wrench, it may take a little getting used to, but it will get the job done without damaging or scratching the polished surfaces. The smoothness of the leather is easy on metal!

The tool will work with any product that is 6 3/8″ and less in diameter, so it’s pretty versatile. As I age, I have less strength in my hands than I used to have, and it’s very frustrating not being able to open up a jar from my cupboard. This tool will allow me to get them open so much easier! No more banging them on my expensive countertop!

The tool works very simply. The handle has a groove that the pliable rubber strap sits into, leaving enough of the strap above the handle to form a loop. This is your “wrench”. There is a 2 1/2″ ridged are next to the handle that keeps the strap in place and prevents slippage. To use, you place the loop around your object, and pull the strap down through the handle and pull to tighten the loop firmly. This works for both right and left handed people by the way. Turn the wrench in the direction of the arrow, and the wrench gives you enough torque to complete the job without damaging anything!

The handle has finger grooves, so it’s quite comfortable to hold and you can certainly get a good grip on it. For people who have arthritis in their hands and can’t grip well, the thickness of this handle would be very helpful for them. I have a friend with rhumatoid arthritis and her hands are a mess, yet she can use this wrench to open cans without pain.

We keep one in our garage and one in our kitchen. You never know when you’ll need one, but I guarantee you, if you own a home and do any repairs yourself, one day you will need a product like the Craftsman Strap Wrench.

We have owned ours for several years now, and they work great. Sometimes the strap will slip, but you simply snug it up tighter to your object, pull the strap as tight as you can, and try again. Metal wrenches slip as well, and when they do, they leave nice scars behind. You won’t have to worry about that anymore! The price of this wrench was only $15.00, and if it saves ONE faucet, it has more than paid for itself!

Sears does have a 100% money back guarantee on their Craftsman Strap Wrenches, so if for some reason if does break, you can get it replaced. You simply can’t go wrong with this tool. It really is more than a gadget!

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