Create a Custom DIY Kitchen Island

Creating a unique kitchen island is a great DIY project that will add valuable storage and design to your kitchen. A custom DIY kitchen island can also add additional work surface to a small kitchen, create a designer look in a plain kitchen, and even pull double duty as another eating area. Basically creating a custom DIY kitchen island is a win win situation no matter how you look at it. Here are some ideas for creating a custom kitchen island for all of you DIY people out there!

An old dress is a great way to create a custom DIY kitchen island without having to do a lot of carpentry. Look for a dresser that fits you kitchen. This should be easy to do since there are thousands of styles and sizes out there. Next, you will want to make sure you dresser is near counter height, can easily be made counter height, or you that have some means to get it to counter height. A quick way to make an old dresser the perfect DIY kitchen island height is to add castor to the legs. This will add height and make your custom DIY kitchen island mobile. You can find all types of castors and wheel at any home improvement store as well as online. Measure the difference between your counter and your dresser and aim for buying wheels that will make up this difference. This is the easiest way to turn a dresser into a custom DIY kitchen island. For added protection coat your dresser with two layers of wood wax. You could also paint on a couple layers of polyurethane. This will allow you to wipe down you custom DIY kitchen island when necessary. If your dresser is too tall you could cut the legs off to make it shorter.

An old dining table is a great option for making a custom DIY kitchen island. Most dining tables are going to need some additional height to bring them up to the height of a kitchen island. Castors and wheel are again a great option to adding height to your custom kitchen island. You could also add fence finials screwed into the bottom of the dining table legs to add height. This would be especially useful if you do not want your DIY kitchen island to be able to roll. Try adding trunks underneath for additional storage. If your table permits you could add shelving underneath for more storage as well.

Another great custom DIY kitchen island project that would require little or no carpentry is to take old wooden trunks and stack them to make them counter height. Lay a thick piece of beveled glass or a large slab of granite on top to create a work surface. You won’t be able to access the inside of the trunks anymore, but the look would be an amazing custom DIY kitchen island. For extra storage you could at screw on hooks and bars with S hooks on the side to hang spoons, pots, and dish towels.

An old door is a great start to creating a custom DIY kitchen island. All you need to do is find some great old legs or order some new ones online. Attach them to your old door, add a few layers of the protective wood wax and you are ready to start cooking. Leave on the old hardware for a custom DIY look that will have everyone talking about your cool kitchen island at your next get together.

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