Create an Angel Candle Holder for Christmas

Do you like to decorate your home with angels for the holidays? If so, you may want to think about creating an angel candle holder out of metal tooling foil and wood. Based on my experience, angel candle holders are easy to create. They also make charming table centerpieces, window sill decorations and hostess gifts. Here’s what you need to know in order to create one:
Candle Holder Making Supplies
In order to complete this Christmas project, you will need a wine cork, a 10 inch by 14 inch piece of pure metal tooling foil (36 gauge), a 2 inch wooden ball, a 4 inch wood screw and a roll of metallic gold ribbon (1.5 inches wide). You’ll also need a pair of metallic gold angel’s wings, a bag of doll hair, a spray can of clear polyurethane, acrylic paints and an emergency candle. As far as the tools go, you’ll need to have a pair of metal hole punch pliers, a tin stamp kit, a pair of metal snips, a hot glue gun and a screw driver.
Create the Angel’s Body
Start by cutting the pure metal tooling foil into a pie shaped wedge. The metal foil will serve as the angel’s body and dress. As such, you’ll want to decorate it with your metal working tools as you see fit. Keep going by forming the metal foil wedge into a cone shape. Then, using a pair of metal hole punch pliers, create a series of identical holes on both sides of the cone’s seam. The holes are designed to help you lace and tie the angel’s body shut later on in the candle holder making process.
Create the Angel’s Head and Neck
Next, drive a long screw through the wine cork, into the wooden ball and out the other side. The exposed piece of screw is designed to help secure the candle to the angel’s head. Proceed by creating the angel’s facial features onto the wooden ball with the aid of acrylic paint and a paint brush. Afterward, liberally spray the angel’s neck and head with clear polyurethane. Let the clear polyurethane coating dry completely before proceeding. Once the polyurethane coating dries, glue pieces of doll hair to the top of angel’s head. Just make sure that you leave the tip of the metal screw exposed.
Assembling the Angel
Once that is done, insert the angel’s neck into the tip of the metal cone. Proceed by threading pieces of gold ribbon through the sets of holes in the angel’s body and tie the cone shut with it. Afterward, run a bead of glue around the area where the angel’s neck meets its body. The glue will help to keep the angel’s head in place. Next, position the angel’s wings and halo onto its back and hot glue them into place. Then slightly melt the bottom of the emergency candle with a lighter and center it on top of the exposed screw while the wax is still warm. At this point, your angel candle holder will be ready for use.
Source: Personal Experience
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