Creating a Kid-Friendly Job Chart

Because my parents taught me valuable lessons about responsibility, at a young age; I feel obligated to pass this wisdom on to my children. At the ages of 7 and 10, my boys; David and Matthew, are given duties that they must fulfill on a daily basis. I have found that having set rules in my home benefits my children in the realms of maturity, initiative and overall growth as boys who will one day become men. In fact, because it is of utter importance to me that I raise productive, intelligent and outgoing young men who will exist as successful, positive beings in society; I commit myself to watering the garden of intellect on a daily basis.

I have created a chart listing different responsibilities / activities for both of my children. On a weekly basis, they are to complete 7 different items. The breakdown of their duties is as follows:

* Sunday: If not at church, my children are expected to read a chapter from the bible. Though I do not want my children to feel forced into complying with my own spiritual beliefs, I do encourage them to learn about spiritual matters on their own. I believe developing an understanding for one’s self is much more valuable than going off of what other people think is right for you.

My children are also encouraged to read 2 different story books and write a report on them. Because one of the main areas many children struggle in is reading, I encourage my boys to read on a daily basis. From newspaper articles to magazines, my children are taught to develop an understanding of the world from different media perspectives. Of course, this step involves careful selection of what they get their hands on. Though I want my children to be informed, I wouldn’t want my children reading things that aren’t age appropriate.

* Monday: DUST MITES & STRAY CRUMBS BEWARE! Monday is all about sweeping the kitchen floor. If David sweeps on Monday, Matthew handles this task on Tuesday or vice versa. Sweeping the floor is a daily duty in my home, in general; because most of what my children eat never makes it to their mouths. They spend more time feeding the tile than they do their bellies.

* Tuesday: Tuesday’s are probably the most dreaded, because the bathroom is not one of the most chosen places to clean. It requires some getting past what has lived in the bottom of the toilet bowl and what that ring around the seat could possibly be. However, my children aren’t required to clean week’s old grime and grit from the bathroom fixtures. They are merely required to give the bathroom floor a good sweeping. All the scrubbing and sanitizing falls in Mom and Dad’s department.

* Wednesday: Because my children share a room, they are each required to clean up their half of the space. Books and toys are to be neatly stored, clothes are to be folded and beds are to be made. Organization of my children’s room is made easier using sturdy gallon-size totes and stackable shelving units. Walmart has become a great friend of mine, when it comes to organizational options for the home and office.

* Thursday: Because Math was the one subject that gave me the shakes growing up, I am ecstatic about the fact that both of my children love it. On Thursday’s, my boys practice pre-written math problems. This particular activity allows them to hone their math skills and find the areas in which they require practice. I find that they become stronger and more advanced pupils in this subject. Practice really does make perfect.

* Friday: One area that leaves many people in the “red” is handwriting. As someone who previously worked as a pharmacy technician, I have learned to read some of the most horrendous writing imaginable. However, because I don’t want to have a coronary of the brain when reading my children’s writing; I have them practice their writing skills. They are asked to write grammatically correct sentences, while trying to stay within the lines and utilize the correct punctuation. Though I encourage creativity in my children, I do not think I should have to imagine the picture within the random squiggles, when trying to read what they have written.

* Saturday: On Saturday’s, my children practice their essay writing skills. They are allowed to choose a subject and write an essay on that particular topic. Though I don’t look for the greatest scholarly piece ever written, I encourage them to take their time and think before writing. I believe that brain power is one of the greatest tools ever.

The job chart is really working in my favor, because my children have turned it into an outlet to be competitive with a positive outcome. They are always pushing themselves to complete their jobs in a timely fashion. Because they are three years apart, they seem to learn a lot from the other. They are constantly trying to stay ahead of one another and learn new things. I have found their competitiveness to be a very healthy thing.

By formulating a list of chores, in conjunction to educational assignments; my children are learning to value responsibility at home and abroad. I can’t imagine ever teaching them to just be average. It is my opinion that the acceptance of a mediocre mentality continues to make for a very stagnant society. I teach my children to always aim for the topâÂ?¦never allowing themselves to settle for less than they are capable of achieving. One of the greatest things anyone can do is to believe in themselves to the point of conquering their deepest fears of failure. Because my children exist in a world where the African American male falls into a staggering stereotype, I find myself reminding them of the possibilities that exist for anyone striving for excellence. I formulated my children’s job chart, with the hopes of starting small and, inevitably; teaching them the value of being responsible men in society destined to outlive the corruptible nature of negativity.

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