Creating a Mosaic Table

Creating a Mosaic Table: Find the “Perfect” Table

To create a mosaic table you must first find the “perfect” table. The “perfect” table will not be a piece that costs hundreds of dollars at your local furniture store. Actually, you will find the “perfect” table at a flea market or yard sale. The piece will more than likely have scratches on the top or the top may have water damage. None of this matters when you’re making a mosaic table, because all of this will be hidden. If this is your first mosaic table, you may want to start out with a small piece. Once you have mastered this skill you can move up to larger projects with more complicated designs.

Creating a Mosaic Table: The Supplies

To create a mosaic table, you will need the following items:

Colored Pencils
Colorful Plates
Pillow Case
Sand Paper
Tint for the Grout
Application Tool

Creating a Mosaic Table: Instructions

Step One for Creating a Mosaic Table:

First draw out the design for your project. If this is your first piece, stick with a simple design, such as a star. After you have drawn out your design, add color to your design, making sure to choose colors that match the plates that you have.

Step Two for Creating a Mosaic Table:

Take the two or three of the plates, depending on their thickness, and place them into a pillow case. Hold the pillow case closed and carefully break the plates with a hammer. Try not to make the pieces too small. You will want bigger pieces for your design; about 1 inch big. Continue this process until all the plates are broken. It’s best to do one color at a time and then separate each color into a small container.

Step Three for Creating a Mosaic Table:

Sand down the top of the table if it is uneven. After you have sanded the top down, mix the grout per directions, adding enough tint to achieve the desired look and set aside.

Step Four for Creating a Mosaic Table:

Apply the grout to the top of the table, in small sections. If you apply all the grout at once, the grout may dry before you complete your design. Work on each section quickly. A good strategy it to think of the design as rows and do one row at a time, like you might do with a cross-stitch pattern. Repeat this process until the top is completed.

Step Five for Creating a Mosaic Table:

When you are finished, apply another layer of grout over the pieces of broken plates to fill in the gaps. Then quickly wipe the excess grout off of the tiles. Allow to dry and then enjoy your creation.

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