Creating the Foundations of a New Nation

Topic: How to create the foundations of a new state or nation called Entdeckungland
Section 1: The Constitution of the Sovereign States of Entdeckungland

The people of Entdeckungland solemnly proclaim their affirmation in the federal Constitution and the principles of the national sovereignty of the state as well as the God given right to liberty and equal justice under the law. By virtue of the principles stated hereafter in the Entdeckungland Constitution and the self determination of the people and local principalities, the national government will oversee the territory within the natural borders of Entdeckungland. In return, the people and principalities will respect the laws of the national government and follow through in a belief of a democratic society with the promotion of the general welfare, defense and domestic tranquility.

I. The country of Entdeckungland shall include all natural borders and boundaries including the following provinces of Naprijed, Dreta, Kehrer, Avancat, Portiere, Erdi Puntako, Ezker Atzelari and Nagikeria.
II. The people of Entdeckungland herby affirm that the nation’s official spoken language will be English
III. The National Anthem shall be called “Our Hope, Pride and Joy.”
IV. The national Flag of Entdeckungland is marked by three equal stripes going horizontally. The top color is red, followed by white in the middle and purple on the bottom. In the middle are 8 stars.

? The words of the preamble is a mixture of inspiration from the French and American preambles to their Constitutions. The preamble states the design of the Enteckungland government which has one national government that oversees the six states in the country. The preamble also affirms a belief in God or a higher power and a belief in self determination of the people; the idea that the people control their own lives and have freedom. Finally, the preamble aims to unite all the people of Enteckungland to make our nation a better place to live.

? The national anthem of Enteckungland was created to inspire its people and to create a sense of nationalism among its people. The word “Our” creates a sense of ownership of a group of people, not just one. The country and national anthem is not just for the government, but it is for the people as well. The word “Hope” symbolizes the idealistic goal of creating a better nation for future generations. The word “Hope” was also borrowed from the Israeli Anthem called “Hatikva” which in English means, “The Hope.” The phrase “pride and Joy” was borrowed from the Estonian national anthem and it symbolizes the feelings of happiness and pride in one’s own country.

? The Flag of Enteckungland has three stripes, each of them are the same size on the flag. The first stripe is colored red to remember the bloodshed that has been split for the nation and a love of our country. The middle stripe is white which is a symbol of peace. We hope that Enteckungland shall have many long years of peace and prosperity. The middle part of the flag also has eight stars which symbolize the 8 provinces. The final stripe is colored purple because it symbolizes royalty and the monarch in Enteckungland as well as the wealth of the rapidly advancing economy of the nation.

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