Creative Gift Ideas for the Holidays that Are Inexpensive

Holiday Cookies
Holiday cookies are quick, sweet and very good. If you’re not a chef, all you have to do is go to the store and buy some cookie dough which usually cost between $5-10 dollars. If you’re wondering what kind of cookie dough you should get you might want to consider sugar cookies since you can decorate them for the holidays, buy any cookie dough would also work. Along with the cookie dough you can get some frosting, toppings, and colored plastic wrap to decorate the cookies. Usually when you buy the cookie dough in the store you can just follow the directions on the package to cook them. Afterwards you can wrap them in the colored plastic wrap and decorate them with a bow and a card. When you give it to your love ones they will say yum.
Chocolate Covered Apples
This treat is one of my favorites, and if you love apples it will soon become one of yours as well. For these goodies you can go to your local grocery store and get some granny smith apples, Hershey baking chocolate, popsicle sticks, toppings (peanuts, toffee, coconut, and etc), and colored plastic wrap. You probably will spend less then $20.00 depending on the amount of things you purchase. After that, all you have to do is melting the Hershey chocolate then put it into a bowl. Put the Popsicle sticks onto the apples. Then dip the apples into the chocolate covering the whole apple. Place toppings on top of apples and then place the apples into the fridge so the chocolate will harden. After about an hour you can take the Chocolate Apples out and wrap them in the colored plastic wrap. If you want to decorate the apples more you can put them in a tin and your family will love it!
Peanut Butter and Jelly cups
Why purchase expensive candy when you can make your own for you significant other? Making this goodie will cost between $10-15. You will need: Hershey baking chocolate, peanut butter, jelly, cup cake holders, and colored plastic wrap. To start you want to melt the chocolate and the fill the cup cake holders half way. After that you can add about half a spoonful of peanut butter and half a spoonful of jelly into the cup cake holder. Then you want to fill the rest of the cup cake holder with the chocolate. After filling all the cup cake holders you can get a baking tray and place and the cups on it. Then let them harden in the fridge for about 1 hour. When you take them out you can leave them in the cup cake holders and then wrap them in colored plastic wrap or you can also put them in a box as well.
These sweets are going to put a smile on anyone’s face when they taste them. On the other hand, if you want to give your love ones something a little different here is a craft idea that is also a good gift idea.
Holiday Gift Baskets
Why buy Gift Baskets that cost $100 when you can make your own for 75% cheaper. For this craft you can either go to your local craft store, thrift shop, or 99 cent store. This gift is really creative because you can personalize the gift basket by making a theme that the person receiving it will like. You can purchase any inexpensive basket and then also purchase things to put into the basket. Things may include coffee mugs, candy, food, coffee, trinkets, and etc. There are many things you can put into the basket. To decorate the basket you can buy some streamer, ribbons, and plastic wrap. This will be a great gift because you made it instead of just buying it.
There are many other gift ideas that anyone can think of. All you have to do is take some time, bargain shop, and put some love into it.