Creative Ideas for Potty Training Toddlers

Although potty training saves a considerable amount of money since diapers are quite expensive, most parents don’t look forward to the work that comes with potty training. Some toddlers are easy to potty train, while others need a little more time and encouragement. This is where creative potty training ideas come into play. It often takes creative ideas and ingenuity to encourage toddlers to use the potty.

The following creative ideas can help parents and caregivers potty train not-so-easy-to-train toddlers. These creative ideas work with some, but not with others. Choose the creative ideas that work best for you and your child, and before long your toddler will surprise you by wanting to use the toilet and wear underwear like a big boy or girl.

Special Surprises

Everyone loves a surprise, especially young children, and this is one of the most effective creative ideas parents can try. Before beginning potty training, buy about a dozen small surprises such as crayons, inexpensive books, small cars, little dolls, and any other inexpensive toys or treats your toddler would enjoy. Wrap each surprise separately, and after your toddler goes potty on the toilet for the very first time, give him or her a surprise to unwrap, and make a big deal out of this wonderful accomplishment. Let your child know they will receive a surprise every time they successfully use the toilet. Before long the basket will be empty, and your toddler will find out it’s much better to wear underwear and use the toilet rather than potty in a diaper meant for a baby.

Fancy Pants

Take your toddler shopping to buy a package or two of fancy underwear. Make sure you stress that underwear is for big boys and girls, and underwear should be kept clean and dry. At the same time, downplay diapers by saying they’re meant for babies, and big boys and girls don’t wear diapers. Diapers pull away wetness, and when they become wet they aren’t uncomfortable. Let your toddler wear the underwear, and if it becomes wet your toddler will definitely feel it. Hopefully your toddler will want to advance to underwear rather than continue wearing diapers.

Potty Books

Is your toddler interested in books? Buy several new books, and place them near the potty seat or chair. There are creative books available that tactfully and tastefully give toddlers ideas regarding using the toilet, and potty training books especially for toddlers are very helpful and extraordinarily creative. The new books should only be read while sitting on the toilet, so if your toddler wants to look at his or her new books, they’ll have to be in the proper place to do so.

Make Diapers Work

Creative ideas to make diapers work isn’t suggesting you should give up, buy more diapers, and put off potty training your toddler. This creative idea means you should literally make wearing diapers an effort for your toddler. When it’s time for a diaper change, instead of making it easy on your toddler, make your toddler go get the diaper, wipes, and ointment. Make sure you store the diapers a distance from where you regularly change his or her diapers, and when diaper changes become a task, your toddler might decide a trip to the potty is the easier option.

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