Creative Uses for Wooden Cigar Boxes

It’s a shame to throw away old cigar boxes, especially wooden cigar boxes. Many wooden cigar boxes are dovetailed, are very sturdy, and they are made exceptionally well. Some wooden cigar boxes are equipped with sturdy hinges, and they are actually quite attractive.

Don’t throw away your old wooden cigar boxes, and don’t just toss them aside. There are a number of creative ideas and uses for wooden cigar boxes, and these creative ideas and uses will enable you to make practical and decorative items. No one will guess these creative items were made from ordinary wooden cigar boxes.

Miniature Shadow Box

Wooden cigar boxes make fantastic shadow boxes to hold miniature knick-knacks. This is definitely one of the most creative and decorative uses for old wooden cigar boxes. To make a shadow box, remove the lid and any hardware. Cut the lid into four equal lengthwise strips, and glue the strips equal distances apart inside the box with wood glue. Cut the fourth strip into dividers that will fit between the rows, and glue the dividers in place. Allow the glue to dry for about twenty-four hours, and attach hangers to the back corners of the box. Paint or stain the box if desired, and fill it with your favorite miniatures.

Make a larger shadow box by gluing the sides of four or more cigar boxes. Follow the same instructions for making the shelves, paint, stain, or decorate the boxes, and attach hangers to center as well as the back corners. Fill the boxes with small trinkets, thimbles, or anything else you want to display.

Drawer Organizer

Are you looking for practical uses for cigar boxes? How about making a functional drawer organizer? You can leave the lids in place or remove them if you wish. Connect two, three, or even four cigar boxes, depending on the size of your drawer. Simply glue the sides of the boxes together with wood glue, and allow the glue to dry for at least twenty-four hours. Place the organizer into a drawer, and organize items such as pens, pencils, sewing supplies, make-up, craft supplies, or anything else you want to contain.

Personalized Gift Box

Most people are aware of gift bags. How about a gift box? Wooden cigar boxes are far better than cardboard boxes, especially when they’re decorated. Decorate a wooden cigar box by painting it, gluing on faux gems, and lining it with felt. Trim it with ribbon, cover it with material, and glue on a piece or two of costume jewelry. Use your imagination and creativity to make a personalized box for someone special, and fill it with items they’re sure to love.

Fancy Frames

If you’re looking for creative uses for wooden cigar boxes, how about making them into fancy wooden frames? To make a fancy frame, simply remove the lid and hardware from a wooden cigar box, and decorate it with paint or stain and other embellishments such as ribbon, buttons, beads, or bows. Attach a hanger to the back, and mount a photo inside. No one will ever guess this fancy wooden frame was made using a wooden cigar box.

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