Creative Ways to Use the Cabinet Under the Kitchen Sink

The cabinet beneath the kitchen sink often becomes a catchall for cleaning supplies, extra vases, tools, unidentifiable junk and even the trashcan. An enclosed cabinet is the absolute worst place to store a garbage can. It is out of the way, but all of the adjoining cabinets and the contents therein eventually end up smelling like trash. Thoroughly clean out the space, and find creative and practical new ways to use it. Despite the plumbing, the cabinet beneath the kitchen sink is usually one of the most spacious built-in storage areas in the room, and it can be used in very creative and practical ways.

Use Stacking Shelves to Hold and Organize Craft Supplies

The cabinet beneath my kitchen sink is the largest single enclosed storage space in my kitchen, and I found a very creative way to use it. I started out using it to store cleaning products and hardware, but it was a huge waste of space. I purchased vinyl covered metal storage bins and shelving, and I was able to implement every square inch of room. I am using it to organize my craft supplies. I use the cabinet under the kitchen sink to hold acrylic craft paint and brushes, polymer clay and sculpting tools, and containers of jewelry making supplies. My beads were previously stored it in plastic totes under my bed, but the cabinet under the kitchen sink is a much better location. I can find everything I want at a glance.

Take Advantage of Nonperishable Sales

If I did not use the cabinet space under the kitchen sink to hold my vast array of craft supplies, I would use it to store extra canned goods and other nonperishable items. I take advantage of sales whenever possible. Because I was not able to use the space under the kitchen sink for veggies, soup and other canned goods, I purchased a freestanding cabinet. Consider buying stackable modular shelving to use in the cabinet under the kitchen sink to store dozens of canned foods, shampoo, and anything else purchased in bulk.

Use the Cabinet Under the Kitchen Sink for Storing Pet Products

When seeking creative ways to use the cabinet under the kitchen sink, consider using the space for pet supply storage. It is amazing how much space is required to store towels, grooming supplies and food. I am using a cabinet under a bathroom sink to hold supplies for my cat, dog, gerbil and fish. I keep the items in labeled plastic containers with lids, and they are color coded for fast and easy identification.

Think of the many creative ways that you could use the cabinet under your kitchen sink. Remove cleaning supplies, trash cans and other caustic and potentially harmful items, and use the space to the fullest potential. As long as moisture is not a problem, the cabinet can be used to hold just about anything.

Source: Personal Organizing Experience

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