Crime Victim Characteristics

Anyone can become a victim of crime but there are certain characteristics that may contribute to someone becoming a crime victim more than others. Although the news media will make you think crime is mostly a random occurrence, the opposite is more likely to happen with certain crimes. Crime can be random but certain situations are more likely to lead to someone becoming a crime victim. Someone the victim knows or is an acquaintance of commits most crimes, including violent crime. Explanations of certain crime victim characteristics are explained. Rape is more likely to be committed by a stranger, however, the rising incidences of date rape shows that rape can happen by someone you know. Auto theft, theft, and robbery are more likely to be caused by strangers. Yet, there are a surprisingly high number of these types of crimes that occur by a familiar face. Aggravated assault is more likely caused by someone the victim knows, including spouses, children, other family members, friends, and associates.

Most crimes are committed by a single person. Crimes are also mostly intra-racial, meaning between a specific race, however, there are crime victims who were not of the same race or ethnic group as the offender. African Americans are more likely to be victims of crime, especially African American males. Young black males are at higher risks of being murdered or a victim of assault and robbery than other ethnic groups. Hispanic American males also are at a higher risk of becoming a victim of violent crime. This is more likely due to the activities they engage in and they areas they live in. Most crimes tend to occur during the evening and night hours. Males are more likely to be victims of crime. Many believe this is due to male aggression, testerone, and male ego. However, women are more likely to be victims of sexual assault crimes. Most female crime victims that were sexually assaulted, the offender was a husband, boyfriend, or friend. Younger people are more likely to be crime victims as opposed to the elderly. Younger people go out more often, go to places that are at a high risk for crime, travel alone, go out at night, are easily influenced by peers, and get involved in activities that they shouldn’t. However, the elderly are at higher risk of being victims of crimes involving fraud. The poor are more likely to be victims of crime mainly because they live in high-crime areas. Even though middle and upper income people can also be victims of crime because of their status and possessions. Certain characteristics in people increase their chances of becoming a crime victim.

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