Crystal Clear Gift Ideas for the Fifteenth Anniversary

When purchasing a gift for your beloved on your fifteenth anniversary, tradition dictates the gift must be crystal. This may sound limited, but if you wish to follow tradition, there are quite a few options open to you. It will be much easier to find a gift for the wife when crystal is your option, but there are a few things that men may enjoy as well.


Just about anything will look good framed in a crystal frame. Look for a special poem, a memento from your past together, or anything that will commemorate your fifteenth anniversary. Frame a forgotten but unique wedding shot, or a portrait of your children (if you have any). Crystal frames vary in price, but you can find a good deal if you look around for one.


Vases come in all sorts of varieties, but crystal vases are by far one of the most beautiful. You can get a larger one for filling with brilliant bouquets, or smaller ones to hold a single rose.


Any jewelry will do, as long as it has some crystal in it. You can find earrings, necklaces, cufflinks, and watches with striking crystal accents. If you are completely clueless, ask for help at your local jewelry store. They can show you pieces in all price ranges to help you mark your fifteenth anniversary.


You can buy paperweights made of crystal for your spouse’s desk at work or in their home office. Paperweights are mostly for show, but can be an interesting and unique item to have. Some are just a solid shape made of crystal, while others may have a flower or scene within the weight. Some can be personalized with a special message to commemorate your fifteenth anniversary.

If a paperweight is not a good idea, there are other desk accessories you can find which are made from crystal. Look for business card holders, globes, or clocks.


You can purchase a set to crystal champagne flutes, wine glasses, or beer glasses, depending on where your tastes lie. There are also whiskey decanters for use or just for decoration. If you wish, you can get them engraved with your anniversary date or anything else you may wish to express to your spouse.

Crystal Ball

This is a more whimsical gift, but definitely a novel idea for the partner that has everything. The functionality is up to you, but it can be a neat addition to your d�©cor, and a great conversation piece when you have visitors.


Some of the most popular crystal items on the market are knick-knacks. The number of themes available is too large to list. Think of what your spouse may collect or have a special interest in, and look for a knick-knack that goes with that theme.

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