Culligan Faucet Mount Water Filtration System FM-15DIY

The Evil Bottled Water Company

Narrator: Down in the deep dark sewers of a city that is nowhere in particular, there is a secret catacomb where a sinister plot is being hatched by an evil CEO (aka: The Man) of a bottled water company, and his henchmen.

The Man: I call this meeting to order. We’ve been producing bottled water for years by driving a truck loaded with empty bottles up to the mountains, then we fill the bottles with fresh, clean, clear spring water. We then deliver these bottles to our suckers…er…customers. This is costing me…er…this company a fortune! Does anyone have an idea how we can reduce our production costs?

Lackey: I do, sir.

The Man: Well, don’t just sit there and grow moss, Lackey! Let’s hear it!

Lackey: We could filter the sewer water that we have right here in the sewers, then fill our bottles with that, and simply tell our suckers…er…customers that we drove all the way to the fresh, clear mountain springs and filled the bottles there.

The Man: Lackey, that’s brilliant! Booohahahahaha!

Higgins: But sir, isn’t that dishonest?

The Man: Shut up, Higgins!

Higgins: Yes sir.

The Man: Oh, and another thing, Higgins: You’re fired!

Narrator: Poor Higgins had to clean out his desk which contained some paperclips, some pens, and a thirty-day-old tuna sandwich he completely forgot about. Woe to Higgins.

My Take

I have always suspected that many bottled water companies just sell us filtered water. They don’t do anything special. By the same token, the bottled water is expensive. Why wouldn’t it be? They have to deliver it by truck, and you know how expensive gas is these days.

There must be a better and more efficient and cost-effective way to have fresh sparkling water. :-}

Culligan Man

Mrs. Higgins: Son, here is the superhero outfit I made for you.

Higgins: Thanks, Ma.

Narrator: After he procured his superhero suit, the mild-mannered Higgins slips into a nearby drainpipe and transforms himself into CULLIGAN MAN!

Culligan Man: Fear not, oh faithful consumers! For I have the answer to your fresh water needs. To obtain fresh clean water, use the Culligan Faucet Mount Water Filtration System FM-15DIY. This water filter can be easily installed on your kitchen faucet. Turn on your faucet, pull out the valve stem, and presto! The water goes into the filter and is purified. It then comes out as a nice steady stream of clean water.

This filter reduces bad taste and odor; chlorine taste and odor; sediment; lead; cysts; turbidity; atrazine; lindane; particulate class 1.

When the valve stem isn’t pulled out, your tap water runs like it normally does. This filter also swivels back and forth.

My Take

I bought my Culligan water filter at OSH. I paid around $20 for it. It was easy to install. Here are the installation instructions:

Encaja en la mayoria de las grifos con aireador, vea las instucciones detalladas en el interior antes de comenzar la instalacion.

Oops! Don’t fret. The instructions come in English too. To install, I simply removed the thing-a-ma-jig (aerator) from the whatcha-ma-callit (faucet), then attached the doo-hicky (filter) to the whatcha-ma-callit (faucet). I then turned the thing-a-ma-bob (swivel collar) to tighten the doo-hickey (filter) onto the threads of the whatcha-ma-callit (faucet).

If your faucet has special threads, you can use one of the adapters included in the package. I did not need an adapter nor did I need to use any pliers or special tools. Very cool!

Once I had this filter installed, I couldn’t wait to try it out. I turned on the water and pulled out the valve stem. The water then came out the filter. I filled a glass and tasted it. It did have a cleaner taste. I would not say the taste was as good as some bottled waters I have tried, but it was a substantial improvement over tap water.

I really like the fact that I can swivel the filter out of the way when I am doing the dishes. I also appreciate the fact that when you push the valve stem in, the tap water does not run through the filter. I can use this unfiltered water for cleaning purposes. The filter’s life should not be wasted on cleaning water.

Culligan Man

This filter comes with a two-year limited warranty, and can filter 200 gallons of water. The filter cartridge is effective for about two months of continuous use. The replacement cartridge costs around $15.

It is important to flush out any new filter cartridge for at least ten minutes to remove all carbon fines. Allow the system to flush for about three seconds before each use. Finally, do not filter water that is over 100 degrees-the filter could be damaged.

My Take

Wow! A two year warranty and 200 gallons of sparkling clean water! I can dig that. I also dig the fact that the filter cartridge is easy to replace. There are finger tabs at the bottom of the filter that make it easy to unscrew the old cartridge and screw in the new one.

Culligan Man

You can clean your filter using a damp cloth and mild soap. I like to use my cape. Whatever you do, don’t use harsh chemicals to clean your filter since it could be damaged.

My Take

I found that a sponge and dish soap work really well for keeping the filter clean. When I can’t find the sponge, I just use my toupee; however, sometimes toupee hairs end up in the water I drink.


Pressure Range: 30-100 psi
Temperature Range: 40-100 degrees F
Rated Service Flow: 0.6 grams at 60 psi
Filter Capacity: 200 gallons
Estimated Filter Life: 2 months (varies depending on amount of usage).

How It Works

Carbon water filters consist of granular activated carbon or solid carbon block filters.

Carbon filtering is the primary substance used in water filtration methods because carbon has the potential to absorb many chemicals found in water. Charcoal is a form of carbon and it absorbs many compounds, including some that are toxic. When water is passed through activated charcoal it removes these particles.

Web Source:

My Final Filtered Take

This filter is easy to install, easy to use, and it has saved me a bundle of money I would have wasted on bottled water. The water quality is not as good as some bottled water I have tried, but it is a substantial improvement over tap water. It is for these reasons I rate this product four stars.

The Evil Bottled Water Company

The Man: Curses! Culligan Man has foiled us! Lackey, you’re fired! Clean out your desk! And don’t forget to throw away that tuna sandwich you never ate!

Narrator: For more information about Culligan products, visit

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